The Regular Bridge


#Welcome to the forums @Echostreak!!
Have a :cookie:


why did console lose his regular status? and what happened to his profile picture?


he wanted the mods to ban him so he can stay away from the forums. Didnt last very long tho


I never said I wanted to leave. I still want to haunt you guys.


ghosts dont just come and join the party, they lurk

your a failure of a ghost.



a failure of the education system.


normally I’m not that big on grammar correction but come ON. @scorchmist you use the same “your” for literally every situation. at least TRY.

if trof didn’t get it I probably would have snapped sometime in the near future.


Still tho, you make it sound like I AM sucking up to him, while i just said that he was a great item-designer with a slightly elevated wording.

So you wish to drag @Trofimowen’s quotes into this?

I warn thee, this will not go down well


Correcting other peoples spelling mistakes is more annoying than makeing spelling mistakes


i do try actually
 im just very bad at that, you should see my school assignments, i lost like majority of my marks in grammar

Its not my fault that im trash at grammar.


awww, zat zucks

######(sorry, (yes, I know, grammar isnt spelling))


blame kabam.


Scorchmist beat you, but who says we cant welcome him twice?


It’s* i’m*


Not when you know it’s something they actually need help with


 you’re just trying to trigger me.


Nice punctuation, StupidFaceMcGee.


Use that next time.

I’m getting ticked, too you know.


1- your comma is in the wrong spot
2- about what my grammar? if so, look at yours


First he doesn’t know grammar, now he doesn’t know irony?