The White Bag Thread


? so light blue gets more loot than white…


So… What does R in RMG stand for?

Care to explain?


doku from egg sac c:




sick meme dude


its from a hermit btw didnt screen shot there because dc :stuck_out_tongue:


i know


wait? how do you know? do you stalk him?


well he just got, and there isn’t any event going on that I know of, so it must have been from a herm


Don’t know why the 2nd one was so dark.


Perhaps your screen’s brightness decreased? Most computers have automatic brightness adjuster.


“Winter whites”

New Reskinned Crystal Wand Bug

but the screen brightness is not effecting the picture that’s just adjusting the amount of light the screen gives off I think



I’m not sure. Maybe the author adjusted the picture brightness too low?


I got a previous coat about two days ago, and then this one. With that rng blessing, idk if I’m scheduled to get another anytime soon.


I got my first dbow yesterday on my hunty, sry for no pic of the bag, there was nothing else in it. I did like 135ish udls. I was also screaming and hyperventilating and shaking (on a discord call, lol).

I also had gotten my 3rd fukn water robe, but no other lod whites…


Lod’s white bags were nerfed to useless garbage. The dungeon has so much potential, I hate how it’s so unbalanced.


I have a white bag check off thingy, plus they have ok fp. the only decent one is the midnight star, and the fire one along with the water one are for rushing only, really. The green one is for wanting way to much hp, and the black one is for fp and it’s basically a vanity item.


The fire armor was supposed to be a damage-focused armor, but then ka-baam gets morphed into trash


“kabam” lol, it’s kabam’s fault. they also tried to sell lod keys for 500 gold each, then had to reduce it twice, and people still don’t buy them.