The White Bag Thread


That seems pretty unlucky!
I’ve done almost exactly 904 and have gotten six - I fed two, I think. I admit that the 2x drop rate helped a lot to farm two morning stars - I also farmed two fire dblades.

There were some people on reddit posting screens showing their vaults with ~6 fire dblades or ~6 morning stars during the event. At least to me those had a high probability of being photoshopped, since I was tired as fuck of farming those dungeons non-stop to get only two of each. My eyes would melt and I would’ve certainly gone insane in front of my computer if I tried to get that much.


rue the day you say oryx? If you say so


getting a jugg on a jugg…



Screenshot before picking an event white up

screams internally

Sorry, I know it’s your character and your event white, but I cringe a little every time I see that

Honest question, why do you do it? Aren’t you afraid of hitting the wrong button and nexusing?


that was 2


Someone tried to trick you with that fake whitebag. Little did they know you actually got a jugg. I guess the jokes on them :smile:


2 whites in pic lol. Look at the bagston.


He probably didn’t get two whites considering he’s a wizard and that ep is in the “1” slot


hey i saw you on realm today.


This thread makes me sad :’(


You can press PrintScreen button with your mouse hand in quite a lot of safety (assuming your nexus key is near WASD keys it’s half the keyboard away).




Just got a Morning Star from duoing a UDL test chest :smiley: SOoo excited!!!


nice. whats with the 24K fame ?


I never get any good pet feeding items… My pet is still uncommon
And it does not have hp and mp as first two.


oh u meant account rip. Got so confused.


faaake ring of decades aint white bag! grrrr…


Wow just died on that wizzy that I got the mstar on… and while using that mstar i got an ep for my ded wiz…


ripped on my 8/8 priest today, nice gift lol
