The White Bag Thread


does slurp knight drop in pbag?


i think it is cyan
I saw someone get it along with a def in a blue bag tho


well if there is a pot, its in blue bag, if comes with murky or void blade then drop in white



You make me feel bad about myself…


Got this bad boi yesterday.


same xD


In which way?


So. Many. White. Bags.


I got one too :smiley: shaxano saw!


its shaxasno
@shaxasno am i right?


What about me?


u saw me get the dbow, right?


I don’t remember O .o


Look at all those reskined bulwarks :confused:


Didn’t know you could get bulwark on Trooms xD


omg… that picture might have won my least favourite picture on this thread…


I thought you quit a long time ago?



