The White Bag Thread


I admire your skills when it comes to keeping your sanity.



I wasn’t really going after it, I mean honestly I don’t know what to do with it at all. It kinda sucks. But oh well. It looks pretty cool!


I feel bad for those guys that get the normal Bulwark instead, though.


Thanks! And I find it strange that if you’re intentionally searching for something then you won’t find it. Honestly I didn’t really want a bulwark I was just trying to max my spd


Congrats! Bulwark isn’t completely useless, it’s pretty good for test chests. Literally the only way to get soulbound in, kind of like a wand equivalent to EP.


… they have like sb of like 500dmg.

They have many more uses here:

although nevov dissagrees


wtf! i see you post here every 2 days with another bulwark, all the while carrying the rest in your inv! your trying to piss us off!


truly amazing 2 whites

btw pls deca i was just mad that it was my 5th ep and no reskin since the reskins dropping, excluding the one i got like 1 hour after the reskins


Even if I got pyra 25+ times its still satisfying seeing a pyra drop from bes



Damn wow lucky.
When did you become a regular? :open_mouth:


About one week ago? Not too sure about that.


Also it isn’t a white but heck. I finally got an expo after about 200 labs, and got a soul of the bearer without farming liches that much xD


@Ebole, @Shutupbob, and I all got the reskin CSword from one CPrisoner. There were only 10-15 of us fighting it, giving us a 20-30% success rate. GG.


lmao nice, i remember this.
put it on a paladin for now, don’t know when i’m maxing him since i seem to do very badly with pallys in shatters…


sick white


I got it guys, I got it!


well i think this is a pretty decent drop

i didnt get the bag, because im not like neo and let a white bag sit around for 10 days
but i think i might be lucky to get a bracer with a t6 staff


Get it off.

Put it in a vault.

Don’t make it disappear in some fresh character death.