The White Bag Thread


how tf did you get a poison dagger


I killed Arachna. It was a great deed.


bruh she runs away from you and making you take so much time its impossible to get loot


maxing dex and spd has its uses


but why would you go to spider den then?


Hyper* gotta work on your spelling :frowning:


Tunnel Rat



Suspicious cropping.

Also mandatory “I hate you you got a reskin die pls”


Doesn’t reskins has double drop rates?


Quite the contrary, I’m pretty sure the drop rate is lower


first ever frimarra


It as too late to retake the screenshot, im out of practice



today is a good day


xD im pretty sure I saw you in that LOD on that Pally get that.



Pixie Seal OP.


Lol, first double white is this:


And this beauty:


Im so triggerd! the sword shots look so good!