Theoretical question about 0 damage shots


Probably has to do with darkness prompting everything further than 1 tile away to not render. Because ice spheres spawn and immediately start shooting, they might be rendered for just a game tick and that allows one tick of projectiles to get trough. You wouldn’t see that on other things as its the only spawn in Shatts that immediately begins to shoot


No, but I recall that even if the ice sphere already spawned, THEN I get darknessed, I will still see it flash.

I’ll try to get some video later when I’m on my comp.

Edit: @Mrunibro Grr, I can’t find any videos D::: I’m badeeee. Guess I’m wrong again.


That sounds interesting, looking forward to the video


D’aww rip. If I gotta make a guess it’s because Ice spheres are shooting so quickly (they probably transition to the next substate of shooting at an angle every game tick or .2 seconds (max rate)) which means that you still see some projectiles of them ‘‘vanishing’’ shortly after being hit by darkness, with them initially forming an ice sphere shape as the sphere dissapears from the screen while the projectiles already rendered don’t