Week 2:What was the most CRINGY thing you have said to someone in your life?


IRL, saw some ppl playing a pserver.
Me. “Yo. Why pserver.”

Other person: “silent”

Me. “You should play prod.”

Other person leans over and whispers: “faggot.”


Friend: What game do you play?
Me: You first.
Friend: [Insert Video Game]
Me: I play Realm of the Mad God.
Friend: WTF? Are you against the God?


Well, one time in class, I was listening to music and we could chat, so I was singing/humming really loud.

I didn’t realize that the teacher had called everyone to be silent because I hadn’t heard.

So I was sitting there, in the middle of the class. Humming out loud with everyone watching me.
I guess thats not really something cringy i said but i was really cringy


technically u didnt say anything, so that isnt the most cringy thing you said, it the most cringy thing you hummed


did the penguins from Antarctica invent machine guns and join WW2?

(spoken immediately after we talked about the holocaust in elementary school. gawd I am so glad I’m not 11 anymore)


It was cringy, but…

Isn’t really talking


I play Pokemon go everyday.


I was saying hi to my grandmother in korean and farted. Since I wasn’t savvy at Korean at the time, I ended up saying “hello” wrong and cried after I walked away.


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