What did you dream of last night?



Not really but i appreciate it and I am absolutely not shy

I am the real life embodiment of leucoryx’s light form

semi-NSFL dream, don't open if you're a bit squeamish

In my latest dream, I was part of an investigation team investigating a group of murderous dolls controlled by an underground network of pedophiles. The dolls were named bonedrills and they were puppeteered dead fetuses controlled by some sort of dark magic. All across the world, occasionally kids were born with bat wings and a ~3 inch body. These babies would always die within minutes of being born, so we were puzzled how they were walking around committing homocides. After googling around looking for posts about these fetuses, we compiled a database of shady figures trying to buy or obtain the corpses. There were stores all over London with ties to this group, so I tagged them on the map and went out to investigate further. I caught the attention of 3 relevant storeowners in a large busy mall, hopng the public location would protect me from direct danger. One of the three storeowners was willing to give information after some promises I’d buy his goods, but he gave warnings not to investigate further the whole time. The other two were threatening me. The helpful storeowner had an exhibition of art pieces, one of which was a painting I recognized from research. While seaching for information, a painting of a bird(?) with grey lines painted over it sloppily (suggesting imprisonment) had come up several times, its artist supposedly being an important sacred(?) figure in the history of this organization. In the store, the unfinished original hung, without the prison bars painted on. I woke up in the midst of admiring the artwork.

The inspirations for this dream were;

  • someone finally explaining the whole “Epstein didn’t kill himself” thing to me,
  • someone in the family being pregnant,
  • having watched several tarantulas molting last night,
  • a recent Tierzoo video about bats,
  • a deepfake of two TF2 characters replaced by Messi and Ronaldo arguing about boneless pizza,
  • a video I watched last night about datasets and data visualization,
  • a recently seen reference to mob psycho 100 and
  • a tinder chat repost with the line “What are the chances 2 serial killers find eachother on this app?”.


Not safe football league
There are less rules


The dream as a whole was boring and uninteresting, but I did manage to pull out 2 strange facts someone told me:

A) divinity’s range increases with your dex
B) swiss cheese is a blend of cheddar and parmesan


What if you tried to actually make cheese this way? Make way for the holy parmedar cheese!


I don’t know… I might go for some Cheesan my sandwich instead. You can have your Parmedar!


i dreamt about a cosmically large and fast white cube dashing at me. fun fact: i was half-awake while dreaming and i could feel my worried, horrified face.

context: i have megalophobia


I tried buying an ice cream cone and the cashier lady was weirdly insistent on me paying with the lowest value coins I had, going as far as to grab my wallet and start counting coins herself


I’ve had a single dream I wouldn’t want to share on here (trust me) and another that I almost immediately forgot 3 weeks back since my last post… my slumber is boring. -.-”


Last night, I dreamt that I and a few others headed into a large 13 story building. The staircase was deemed to dangeous to escalate just in case one of us tripped and fell down, so we took the “steps” up. A bit later, a mad scientist kind of guy rounded all of us up on the 13th floor with about 100 flying killer drones that shot lasers from their eye and a bunch of henchmen in white suits.
Anyway, the drones soon became out of control and started shooting everyone to death- including the mad scientist, and we all had to run for it downstairs, while avoiding the white suited henchmen that were around the lower levels. We generally escaped via trapdoors that were conveniently around the place. At around floor 9, which was a shop-cafeteria-like area, I had the idea of using the “stepcase” that I previously ascended from, only to find that the stepcase had been almost completely destroyed by some form of explosion. If I used it, I would have landed on floor three, meaning falling six floors down.
Anyway, somehow i managed to make it to the sixth floor, and tried to take another stepcase down. It was partially broken, but I could clim down to floor 3 easily enough. Except, I now find this building that we are in is actually out at sea, and the previously mentioned explosions caused water to leak all the way through until the third floor was entirely submerged in water. At this point I woke up.

However, what I really wanted to convey was the genius known as the “stepcase”- an entirely new method of vertical travel that is hundreds of times more safer than your normal staircase (haha). Picture a cylindrical tube, about one and a half times your hight, and about two shoulder widths in diameter. Along the walls of the tube were (for lack of better word) ridges engraved at about 45 degrees, meant as footholds. these occured all the way up the tube. above a person in the tube were handgrips, attached to the ceiling of the tube by rope.
The idea was to climb a bit to the top (a bit under a metre up) using these grips (steps), then squeeze through a tiny hole in the side of the tube into another tube much like the one you just left. Another tube was joined onto that, right ontop the first tube, then another tube was attached to that, and so forth, giving a climbing-frame like ladder. At best you could probably squeeze two or three people per tube, but overall it was very uncomfortable and slightly claustrophobic.
And that was the mess known as a small part of my dream.


menichko (the Deca designer) picked up me and some of my classmates in this really big car with like 7 seats. There was a cat on the middle row, and another cat in the back, and I think @Unicorn somehow also appeared - like, not even with any really defined visual appearance, but me just feeling like it was you, and claimed the spot next to the first cat.


I have dreams just about every night and they feel like they last quite some time, but they’re almost always not interesting to share even if I could remember them. I don’t get the “well that was so weird it was funny” very often, it’s mostly completely inconsequential and uninteresting.


Maybe I am still instilled with a sense of wonder (possibly mixed with anxiety or fear, depending on the dream) because it seldom happens. An uncommon treat!


On a separate note, have any of you ever had a dream where you “died?” I’ve never heard of that being the case for anyone I know.


Any time something like that is about to happen, I am startled awake. I have had a dream where everyone else died, but never me


That’s what most people tell me. There’s been twice where I slipped up either running away from an entity and the elements got to me, or another time where I was an agent that could transform into a fly at will, and after I was discovered and shot at on the rooftops of tightly packed skyscrapers, I apparently panicked and transformed back into a human and got nailed in the heart. I “fell” to the ground both times, unable to move or feel anything for the rest of the night until I woke up, with hazy vision. I have no idea if either of those instances count, but it sure was frustrating to be effectively paralyzed and all but senseless for an extended period of time.


XBookwyrmX: *literally dies*
Also XBookwyrmX: wow this sure is boring huh


Last night I had a dream that I was in a soccer game against a team with a crazy coach that brought guns to the game, and let the kids hang on to them. At one point I tried to pick up as many guns as I could and reported them to a museum front desk. The people working there said that I received the “triple comma award” for saying something about it. Then we heard shots, and everybody started to run for the exit. For some reason one of the people running towards the exit was my brother when he was a 12 year old. (He’s 19 now). Also for some reason I was escaping the building with two of my friends who don’t play soccer, so I don’t have a clue why they were there. As we were running outside the building apparently it had paths through woods that went by a farm. As we followed the paths we went up a hill and saw a chandelier hanging from something in the middle of the woods. I didn’t think this was strange at all. Then my friend suggested that we wait there and wait for the psycho gun lady to come and cut the chandelier line so it fell on her. I told him we should keep running.

In that dream I was shaking when the lady started shooting and everybody was scrambling for the exit.


Xaklor was the one who said their dreams were boring, right?
XBookWyrmX actually said their dreams instill a sense of wonder in them.


They’re interesting when I’m actually able to do and see things, not when I’m “dead” and senseless :sweat: