What's the most obscure or old RotMG knowledge you know?


I guess if we’re pulling out old knowledge, vitality used to heal a lot slower and every class had 75 cap, sword range was 4 until the great nerf, and for some strange reason I don’t remember t1 dirks at one point were being traded 8 for 1 spd, which was a very long time ago. Before fame trains got huge in EUW, most largely populated servers ran leveling trains, which was basically a bunch of unmaxed people running along the stone path around the lowlands until they hit 20. You used to not be able to tp to the center of the map so people would often lock people that were commonly in the godlands so they could have a godlands tp. Also, clearing wine cellars was considered good form and necessary, almost no one rushed. Scammies isn’t too old but after getting rid of the old amulets for a brief time the Haunted Cemetery dropped “scammies” or amulets that would turn you into a zombie that would attack other players when you died. I could spout this type of knowledge all day,. old knowledge really isn’t that cool. I can guarantee you most people, even older players, do not know about all the old fame exploits.


Not defending fame exploits, but mystic trolling really isn’t any better


I didn’t want to mention this, but the other reason I dismissed your post was you were accusing another player of using exploits, another player that isn’t active here so who has no opportunity to defend themselves. Such accusations do not belong here. I don’t like being negative so I focussed on the other aspect of it in dismissing your post. But it was at least as much because you were accusing another player of cheating without evidence.