Where do you die the most?


It’s gotta be abyss for me. Most of my good characters have died there. Usually its just cake but out of nowhere when you’re strolling through a massive rain of bullets comes down on you.


So…I’m fine with abyss. I’m fine with shatters. I’m fine with tombs. But I’m not fine with UDL’s. I just lag onto a trap and die instantly.


I died this year due to: stupidity at events (2x), shatts (2x), rushing abyss (2x), wc


It used to be tombs and shatters because of disconfidence…

Hence why completion is low


Well since I came back to the game I died twice to rushing Wine Cellars. First one was just stupid, I ran into a shotgun aiming at a knight in front of me. Second time I got hit by a confusarang out of nowhere right when I entered O2’s room, sending me back into the crowd following me.

I also died once to a lag spike on avatar with a planewalker rogue, shame on me.


Mad laboratories are probably the most frustrating dungeons for me.


The past year, sewers was my weakeness, now…well, still being, i just can’t rush them without getting annihilated


Tombs, like 3 8/8s there




Green potion


It’s to hard for me to die in Abyss. I have some nice nexusing skills.

All my maxed (or most) chat died to something that could 1 shot u like O2


tombs and wc lag


abysses, tomb, and shatters

abysses: me being stupid, also dont do much other dungeons.

tomb: uhhh… i tend to walk over the boss or something? or get killed rushing?

shats: just me being stupid and not looking, like walking on stone mages/fire bombs. I die on melee a lot more. Got my archer to 600fame from just doing shats.

moved to com hub, damn havent moved things for a while


also labs. confused into an enforcer and then poof


IDK, what do you guys think about my poor 12 maxed char’s deaths? Most of them were on a non Flash Player pooter with huge lag spikes and died that way(the two ava deaths). But like its really even.


really?! I learned that you can rush them with quite a lot of ease


It is. but if you hit one of those pink things and you spin in the wrong direction you could end up on top of those big guys. unmaxed nightmare




unmaxed, dont rush unless you are like half maxed on some classes, or a rogue. Knight can rush so easily when maxed on def, cause everything does only like 20 damage.


With the exeption of the big robots, that must been avoided.