Which UT/ST item is the most important?


im all melee PIXI FTW


can you explain how you chose the options in the poll?


Well yea so i dont have to waste a life on buying equips. IMO buying equips is the biggest waste of pots you can have (except to sun staves, those are my fetish)


Just tried to think of things that are clutch when playing a certain class.


I would add Tome of Holy Protection, imo itā€™s more clutch than half the things in that list


The tomes crossed my mind, but priest isnā€™t overly popular and I couldnā€™t decide on the tome that I thought was most popular throughout the realm community.




Yeah but u can get gsorc as a drop and its much more common, and some1 had to get it at somepoint.


Nty I try not to spend more than a total of 10 life on equips over ALL my charsā€¦

Plus rn I have like 3 gsorcs lol, I usually sell tradables and max life.


Ok all i was saying is that (IMO) u cud survive w/o mad robe AND not spend life on tops (get gsorc as a drop which is much more common than mad robe). And srry for late reply.


STā€™s drop in Cyan bags


I donā€™t know about you but I get like 2 mad robes every day


the new warrior ST set drops in white bags (correct me if Iā€™m wrong please)


only the sword and the helmet


Okay, but not al STā€™s drop in cyan bags then @ItsFincy


Ah ok


That super late response though


the only thing i really need


Im not on the forums that often.


Another late response lol. Okay then.