White tick off list


I find the drop system so stupid right now… My friend did about 500 udls, then I joined him and on the first udl we did, I got a dbow.


i get you, but we’ve been playing much more, and much longer, and done in general a ton more dungeons


Is this a competition now? Because I would lose so badly…


nah, its a pretty easy competition for the experienced


little late but I thought I’d join in too

(did it on paint don’t judge)


You already got the thousand shot, the shield, and the prism… Wow, good job.


what? no he didnt?


Oh, the ones that aren’t \ he doesn’t have? whoops.


yes, crossing off, generally means you’ve got it.


touche. I wasn’t thinking straight…


Just got my first true (non-sprite) white bag! Now I just need a wizard to wear my new Mad Lab Robe…


dont die with it


Threw it in my vault. RNG must like me, because right after getting a void blade, I got 4 def worth of pots from glands with a loot drop pot.



I’ve gotten everything besides Battle Nexus items and Oreo.


I looked at your realmeye and I dont believe you.


I’ve had several problems with realmeye not picking up my deaths. I’ve fed most of my UTs, consumed all skins, etc. I don’t find most UTs worth using…the risk is too high considering the probable and highly speculated white bag drop rates. It’s not worth it at all in my opinion. But to each their own.


Its not about your graveyard, its about how you got more whitebags than anybody else without playing the game very much.


I don’t spend nearly as much time on this account anymore. I play NPEs mostly. This account is my main, but it’s highly unused.


Some days I’ll get a ton, other days I’ll get none…