Will Ideas Listed in the Forums Have A Chance At Making It Into The Game?


I don’t know if this applies to this section but will ideas listed here have a chance at making it into the game?


yes, all the ideas can have a chance but I don’t think DECA checks the forums so you might have to send them an e-mail


How? The only way I have found out how to email them is by sending a support ticked. Do I just do that?




we have a few people here that are able to suggest ideas to Deca.

Ofc i wont tell you who.


Very, very low chance. It if enough ppl officlly contact deca, they may or may not consider it.


DECA CEO: New order, boys. If you see the word “Idea” or any word related to that, put it in the spam box. Unless the idea suggests a boost in revenue, ignore it.




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