
There are 14 offers made by 9 RotMG players in the past two days who are buying Fool's Prism on RealmEye.

  • If you've found some offers you are interested in, then contact the players in-game, or send them a message through RealmEye,
    if they're not online.
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Who is for ?
SellingBuyingQty.AddedOffer byLast seenSrv.
×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×16×16×16×16×1612024-04-28 18:54:45Phenyrb
×1×112024-04-28 18:54:45Phenyrb
×1×1×112024-04-28 18:54:45Phenyrb
×2×112024-04-28 18:37:20Pepsan
×2×112024-04-28 17:14:56Empfire
×1×1302024-04-28 09:29:23Bcewizplay2024-04-28 18:49:53EUW
×1×112024-04-28 00:19:26Delbin
×1×112024-04-27 22:15:38Mal
×1×112024-04-27 22:15:38Mal
×1×112024-04-27 22:15:38Mal
×1×112024-04-27 22:15:38Mal
×2×112024-04-27 21:28:56Arokos2024-04-28 18:58:03
×1×12562024-04-28 13:42:47SparkleTom
×1×112024-04-27 01:53:06Saundra