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Last updated: Exalt Version (Mar 2023)

Spells are used by Wizards to inflict great damage against a single or multiple enemies. All spells have Shots: 20, Projectile Speed: 16, and Range: 16, unless stated otherwise. Enemy defense is applied to each shot. Multiply DEF x 20 and subtract from average total. For example, Oryx’s Simalcrum has 34 DEF, Magic Nova’s average total possible is 1770 if every shot hits him. Spells target on the mouse cursor and Range is the distance the shots travel from the centre of the blast.

Tiered Spells

Spell Tier Name Projectile Cost Damage Total Damage Stat Bonus XP Bonus Feed Power
Fire Spray Spell 0 Fire Spray Spell Fire Bolt 20 MP 15-20 (17.5) 300-400 (350) 5
Flame Burst Spell 1 Flame Burst Spell Green Bolt 30 MP 30-40 (35) 600-800 (700) +1 WIS 10
Fire Nova Spell 2 Fire Nova Spell Blue Bolt 40 MP 40-65 (52.5) 800-1300 (1050) +2 WIS 20
Scorching Blast Spell 3 Scorching Blast Spell Pink Bolt 50 MP 50-90 (70) 1000-1800 (1400) +3 WIS 1% 45
Destruction Sphere Spell 4 Destruction Sphere Spell Darkness Bolt 60 MP 60-115 (87.5) 1200-2300 (1750) +4 WIS 2% 90
Magic Nova Spell 5 Magic Nova Spell White Bolt 70 MP 70-140 (105) 1400-2800 (2100) +5 WIS 4% 185
Elemental Detonation Spell 6 Elemental Detonation Spell Purple Bolt 80 MP 80-165 (122.5) 1600-3300 (2450) +20 HP
+20 MP
+6 WIS
6% 380
Burning Retribution Spell 7
Burning Retribution Spell Red Bolt 90 MP 95-185 (140) 1900-3700 (2800) +40 HP
+40 MP
+7 WIS
8% 570

Untiered Spells

Spell Tier Name Projectile Cost Damage Total Damage Stat Bonus XP Bonus Feed Power
Spelling Spell UT Spelling Spell Alphabet 26 MP 10-100 (55) 260-2600 (1430) 4% 500
Penetrating Blast Spell UT
Penetrating Blast Spell Volt Bolt 85 MP 300-400 (350) 1800–2400 (2100)
Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles
+2 ATT
+40 HP
6% 1,000
Cursed Spire Spell UT
Cursed Spire Spell AoO Spell Proj 100 MP 350-450 (400) 5600-7200 (6400)
Spawns an explosive spike in current player location that explodes after 0.6 seconds

Spell: 16 Shots on self

Mayhem Aegis: On ability use, 50% chance of DEF↑ DEF boost (+15 DEF) on self for 3 seconds

Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles
Range: 7.5
7% 700
Jade Storm UT
Jade Storm Jade Storm Proj 125 MP 475-900 (687.5) 2375-4500 (3437.5)
Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles
Shots fire inwards
Range: 5.96
7% 950
Sporous Spray Spell UT
Sporous Spray Spell Killer Shroom Explosion 110 MP 1000 (4000) Creates a Deadly Mushroom
Duration: 4.8s
Radius: 3 squares
7% 1,000
Recurring Terror Spell UT
Recurring Terror Spell pD Spell Shot 80 MP 200-300 (250) 1600-2400 (2000)
Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles
Parametric Shots are parametric
Range: 2
-20 HP
+2 ATT
+4 DEX
+2 DEF
-5 VIT
7% 1,000
Tablet of the King's Avatar UT
Tablet of the King’s Avatar Fire Claw 120 MP 260-280 (270) 3900-4200 (4050)
Boomerang Shots boomerang
Range: 1
+4 WIS
+40 MP
8% 1,100
Genesis Spell UT
Genesis Spell 120 MP 250 10000
Summons 4 portals which zap enemies and deal 250 damage in a radius of 6 squares every 0.4 seconds
Duration: 4 seconds
Cooldown: 4 seconds
8% 1,300

Set Tiered Spells

Spell Tier Name Projectile Cost Damage Total Damage Stat Bonus XP Bonus Feed Power
Slurpian Sea Scroll ST
Slurpian Sea Scroll Slurp Spell Explosion 110 MP 650-950 (800) 650-950 (800)
AoE blast
Radius: 3
Effect: SPD↑ SPD boost (+25 SPD) on self for 3 seconds
7% 850
Unstable Firework ST
Unstable Firework Kogbold Firework Projectile 120 MP 45-75 (60) 2160-3600 (2880)
Armor Piercing Ignores defense of target
It also throws random Nova Grenades which fire 65-130 damage projectiles
+3 DEX 7% 850
Ancient Eminence ST
Ancient Eminence Wizard ST Spell Projectile 90 MP 60-120 (90) 1,200-2,400 (1,800)
Armor Piercing Ignores defense of target
Range: 12.1
Acceleration: 20 (delay: 1)
Speed Clamp: 30

With Defiled Equilibrium:
Summons Inferno for 4.8 seconds that deals 130-150 armor piercing damage
Summons Blizzard for 4.8 seconds that deals 90-100 damage and inflicts Red Down Arrow Slowed for 3 seconds
Cooldown: 5.8 seconds
+20 MP
+5 VIT
7% 1,000

Limited Edition Spells

Spell Tier Name Projectile Cost Damage Total Damage Stat Bonus XP Bonus Feed Power
Random Spell Extraction Device UT Random Spell Extraction Device Rsxd Shot 40 MP 12-75 (43.5) 120-750 (435)
Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles
Range: 6
6% 0
Thousand Suns Spell UT Thousand Suns Spell Idol Wave 80 MP 80-165 (122.5) 1600-3300 (2450) +20 HP
+20 MP
+6 WIS
6% 380
Vitamine Buster UT
Vitamine Buster Carrot Shot 75 MP 0-210 (105) 0-4200 (2100) +2 SPD
+10 VIT
6% 500
Vigil Spell UT Vigil Spell XMAS Bolt 80 MP 80-165 (122.5) 1600-3300 (2450) +20 HP
+20 MP
+6 WIS
7% 380
Legacy Ancient Spell: Pierce ST Legacy Ancient Spell: Pierce Skull Wave 80 MP 53-115 (84) 1060-2300 (1680)
Armor Piercing Ignores defense of target
Range: 13
7% 500
Spectral Spell ST
Spectral Spell HSkull Wave 80 MP 53-115 (84) 1060-2300 (1680)
Armor Piercing Ignores defense of target
Range: 13
7% 900