
BEFORE YOU BEGIN - You should already know DYING is PART OF RotMG.
Please play the Tutorial. This will teach you the basic Controls & Commands.

READ THESE GUIDES - They will be summarized here.


The best Realm player is the smartest and most cautions one (having a good connection helps, also).

  • In the Options, set “Escape To Nexus” somewhere near your movement keys so you can escape without hesitation.
  • Use ‘Toggle Centering of Player’ to your advantage when you need to see further.
  • STAY IN GROUPS. The larger the group, the higher chance of survival.
  • Don’t try to be a hero or take on high level Event Bosses ON YOUR OWN, this will result in a quick and unexpected death!

When you first enter The Realm of the Mad God you will be in the Nexus. When you’re ready to begin adventuring, enter a Realm Portal. Every Realm Portal spawns you at the Beach, this is where you’ll begin your journey.


There are two ways to reach level 20…

The first way is hard work and dedication on your own part, solo leveling. Following Quest Markers to the closest Quest Monster. Within time you’ll be level 20.

The quickest and easiest way to reach level 20 is by joining a Train. A Train is when a large number of players group up and circle the road that circles the realm. There is very low risk in joining a Train, and is the preferred way to reach level 20. To find a train, simply ask if there’s one in the current realm you’re in. To Teleport to someone in a train type /teleport <player name>.

In my opinion, trains have three stages. These are front, middle, and back. In trains, you never really need to be worried about your HP or MP so, if you’re fast enough, move up to the front. In the front, you get the lion’s share of xp and credit for leading a train. In the middle, you get a fair amount of xp and, if you’re fast enough, some loot. In the back, you really don’t get a whole lot of xp, but you get the loot the train left behind. (occasionally, you might get lucky) Just be sure to keep up with the train and you might get some small amounts of xp.

Acquiring Fame

After reaching level 20 you will notice your XP bar turned into a Fame bar. Fame and Gold are the two currencies of RotMG. Fame is earned by completing achievements, quests, surviving for a long period of time, and dying while ‘well-equipped’, meaning you have “fame items” that give you a bonus percentage of fame. There are lots of different ‘Fame Bonuses’, all of which give you more Fame upon death. You’ll naturally collect many throughout your character’s life. All fame calculations are made after you die. Fame can be used to buy Drake Eggs, Tinctures, and other such goodies! Gold is bought with real world currency and is used to buy Pets, Dyes, Cloth, Potions, and Dungeon Keys.

Acquiring Gear

The next step for your character would be acquiring suitable equipment. This is usually done by simply farming Gods, raiding Dungeons, and trading with other users in the Nexus. Acquiring the BEST GEAR is a constant objective of RotMG, but getting the best gear is impossible without…

Acquiring Stat Pots

Stat Pots are the most-sought after items of RotMG. When consumed they increase a specific stat by 1 (5 for both maximum HP and MP). These allow players to live longer, use more spells, do more damage, move faster, attack quicker, and generally kick more ass. Stat Pots are a requirement to ‘Max Out’ a character.

Many players use a separate pot-farming character class, such as a Wizard, to farm pots for their main character. This would require you to buy Realm Gold with real currency. The best ‘farming’ classes include Archers and Wizards; ranged classes with high DPS and high survivability.

After reaching level 20, a player’s goal is to collect pots from Gods and MAX OUT their DEFENSE STAT to best survive further onslaught and acquire the best loot. To farm pots, one only needs mid-grade gear and a small group of players in the godlands for maximum survivability. Simply dodge and stay alive long enough to find a SOULBOUND Blue-Potion Bag.
Blue Potion Bag
These bags can ONLY BE SEEN BY YOU, so rushing to them is pointless and usually results in death. You have a whole minute to collect them before they disappear, so take your time. Remember; if there are several gods sitting on your potion, do NOT run in! You WILL die, and your character is far more important than anything which could possibly have dropped.

Godlands Stat Pots

There are three Stat Potions that are most commonly dropped in the Godlands: Attack, Defense, and Speed Potions. While farming for specific pots, focus on the Gods and Dungeons listed below. Click here for a full list of all Monsters that drop Stat Pots.

Dungeon Boss
Potion of Attack
+1 ATT
Flying BrainLeviathanSprite GodWhite Demon
Rock ConstructWood ConstructSteel Construct
The Puppet Master
Potion of Defense
+1 DEF
Ent GodSlime GodBeholder
Gulpord the Slime God
Potion of Speed
+1 SPD
DjinnGhost GodMedusaRed Demon
Stheno the Snake Queen

Dungeon Stat Pots

There are three Stat Potions that are uncommon in the Godlands and require further effort: Dexterity, Vitality, and Wisdom. Besides Event Bosses, the most efficient way to farm High Tier Stat Pots is by raiding dungeons. After Maxing Out Defense to take more hits, Attack to kill quicker, and Speed to dodge better, these should prove effortless to acquire. Be advised though; whilst you may find the Sprite World easy, the Abyss of Demons is often very difficult, so take your time and grab some friends to help out!

Dungeon Boss
Potion of Dexterity
+1 DEX
Sprite World PortalSprite World Key
Dungeon Drops From: Sprite Child
Limon the Sprite God
Potion of Wisdom
+1 WIS
Undead Lair PortalUndead Lair Key
Dungeon Drops From: Ghost God
Septavius the Ghost God
Potion of Vitality
+1 VIT
Abyss of Demons PortalAbyss of Demons Key
Dungeon Drops From: White Demon
Archdemon Malphas

Maxing Out

So you’ve come this far? What’s left? Two more Stat Potions exist, allowing you to increase both your Maximum HP and MP, however, they’re only found in two extremely difficult dungeons. Many players like to simply keep killing gods for defense potions, which they then save up and sell for these high tier potions.

Dungeon Boss
Potion of Mana
+5 MP
Ocean Trench PortalOcean Trench Key
Dungeon Drops From: Hermit God
Thessal the Mermaid Goddess
Potion of Life
+5 HP
Tomb of the Ancients PortalTomb of the Ancients Key
Dungeon Drops From: Grand Sphinx