Verdant Bow

Verdant Bow Verdant Large Arrow

Verdant Small Arrow
A highly effective bow fashioned of still-living magical springwood.

Tier 9
Damage 135–165 (average: 150)
True Range 4.07
XP Bonus 3%
Feed Power 109
Base Reroll Cost 15 Green Dust

Verdant Large Arrow
Shots 1
Damage 95–105 (average: 100)
Projectile Speed 16 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.44 seconds
Range 7.04 tiles
Effect(s) Piercing Shots hit multiple targets

Verdant Small Arrow
Shots 2 (arc gap: 14°)
Damage 20–30 (average: 25)
Projectile Speed 16 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.44 seconds
Range 7.04 tiles (true range: 4.07 tiles)
Effect(s) Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Armor Piercing Ignores defense of target

This item was added in Build 100 (July 2010).

Before Patch 27.7.X10.3 (Feb 2017), this item dealt 40-65 damage.

Before Exalt Version (Mar 2021), this item had a feed power of 145.

Before Exalt Version (Mar 2022), this item had a 2% XP bonus and the following sprite:

The Realm Eye says:
Yes, my archives have some information on Verdant Bows.
Rather than being carved or built, forest sprites grew these bows like a plant.
Creating them in this manner embeds them with potent terrestrial magic.