0° or 45°?


I never even knew what it was until candyshi brought it up yesterday


I go with what the game gives me by default. I should probably use 0 degrees, but I will never use rotation.


I voted for rotating, but only use it in specific dungeons. I really do not see a need for it when one is just in the realm.


I used to play on 1° because I didn’t know there was a reset to 0/45° and I would VERY rarely get back to 0°. When I did I’d just fuck with it too much and I’d be at 1-5° again.


When I joined I didn’t know how to move the camera, so I grew very, very used to 45 degrees. When I learned how, I didn’t want or need to change it. Rotating always confused me too


What does that mean?



0 degrees, always with off-center rotation.


I have to go VERY far down the rabbit hole to explain that…


I only use rotation in hard dungeons like tomb or lhz


How do you set it to 0 anyways? I’ve always wanted to do that, but never known how.

  • Centered
  • Off centered
  • Depends on the situation, both.

0 voters


I’m probably the only yellow star that is centered, plays at a 45 degree angle, and doesn’t rotate.



ppl too lazy to learn tbh



Nowadays 0 degrees + rotation is default.


I’m so used to what dungeons look like with 0* so whenever I rotate it fucks with that tiny bit of OCD I have.

It makes the game look messy and uneven and gross.


Well… I use 0° always. I rotate sometimes and other times not. Same goes for off-center.

Sorry for necro o.O


Nope. I do that too actually, just works fine for me and I’m not used to camera rotation, it makes dodging harder (if you even try to dodge)

And Gaod and Tauntauned are at least the first 2, havent said if they are centered but I would guess so.


0° no rotation, hp and mp pot hotkeys are q and e

I am the masterrace


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