10/10 BIG OOF for me (School+Retainer=BIG OOF)




My school starts on wednesday and I used to have retainers but I broke em.


First day of school was today


Yeah, minus the problem that I have a problem with my TMJ joint not being spaced out properly, so I could end up with a completely fucked up jaw if I don’t do this…


all u 'mericanos


that’s racist, you flipping potato >:[



oh crap sheriff ludfru’s onto me where’s my shield? :grimacing:


:frowning: No микроволновка for you.

Wait why is that in a box…


that’s because this character “>” is used to make boxes like this:


and since :( turns into the emoji :frowning: because of stupid software reasons your >:( becomes


to avoid that, put the emoji at the end of the sentence instead of the beginning, and to avoid the :( becoming :frowning: I use this instead >:[


You seem very knowledgeable, товарищ.

Perhaps you can help us, how do you say? “Fine tune” советская микроволновка?


with one of these bad boys: image


Another 2 months of semester break.


I looked like a drowning seal xd


Dropped out of college but work two jobs, getting that money. :moneybag:
Had braces in high school but took them out early. It was for an overbite, but my mouth adjusted naturally for some reason. I got that 10/10 smile. :sunglasses:

I have some advice for you though, since you have aching teeth ask someone to buy you lots of ice cream. It will numb the pain and it’s good stuff. Two birds one stone. If you don’t like ice cream look for other cold foods.



Im fat tho


Fat or chubby?


Go big or go home


Also I look like I’m dying when I swallow xd


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