19 EXP bug?


Okay here’s 1. I’m assuming DECA defaulted all enemies spawned by other enemies to 19 EXP. But if you’re lvl 1 and the normal variety of enemies in Mad Lab give 5 EXP, you still get 19 EXP from the ones spawned in on the Dr. Terrible fight. Trivial because it’s only more EXP for levels 1, 2 and (3?). Move if you want though Nevov.

Trivial Issues Thread

Not entirely correct; the enemies spawned by the cages in Dr. Terrible’s room are likely seperate types.
To best explain my point, there’s a few things to understand about EXP:

  1. EXP given is defaulted to 1/10th of an enemy’s health, which is capped at 1/10th of the max progression required for your next level. For level 20, the theoretical EXP required for the next level is 1950 (as that’s 100 more than the 1850 required to reach level 20, as per the standard growth); this is why Medusas and Leviathans don’t give 200 EXP, but 195.
  2. Before an undocumented change (afaik), enemies could have an optional <ExpMult> attribute. This is exactly what it says it is - a multiplier to the amount of EXP they give. For instance, a multiplier of 10 on an enemy with only 500 HP would give you 500 EXP for killing it rather than only 50.

Now, relatively early on in their takeover of RotMG, Deca introduced something to prevent easy EXP farming from monsters that summoned enemies:

To combat this exploit before, various WS/Kabam dungeons used a bit of trickery instead: they made these enemies give very little or no EXP at all.
This is why those enemies give only 19 EXP: they likely had an <ExpMult> value of 0.1, which would push their regular EXP payouot to 19.5, which rounds to 19.

As for why they also give 19 EXP to players that’re level 1 and 2…no idea!

Also, another fun fact: the Spiders and Trolls in the Haunted Cemetery don’t have any <Exp> value listed, while their health scales. If you’re soloing, they’ll give 175 EXP, but with more than one player, they’ll give 195!


That is actually some really cool trivia of the game! Thanks for that! Where did that info come from?

And I remember vividly the week that the Gship reached prod and there was no limit to spawned enemy exp/fame! A crowd of 40 players just sat on the shore mowing down enemies as they spawned for a fame farm. I joined in and that is how I got my first 3-star character, haha! I remember at the time thinking that 400 game was just a ludicrous amount, and that I would never get that high without abusing mechanics like that.

Thanks for bringing back old memories!


My own observations, and a little bit of exploring in the XML via static drips when <ExpMult> was still a thing 8)


Most XP values affected by the ignore the XP cap for purposes of granting more fame, so since it was used to decrease XP amount, it isn’t affected anymore and so can go above the cap


Woah! I remember playing before this patch, got a sudden wave of nostalgia, ha!


I had no idea about this! When I saw the wiki page for Malus I thought “wow, they really went overboard trying to make this seem occult with the 666 everywhere.” But I guess thats technically one less 666 because exp is based on hp


Well, it’s only based on HP if they don’t have an <Exp> value defined. That will basically “override” that standard amount, which is a huge improvement over the old ExpMult. I mean, could you imagine having to find the exact multiplier to turn 195 into 50000? (25 fame)


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