3 Reasons Why


They are white and black, they represent unity
They have beaks, like men (behold a man)
They eat sustainably caught fish, very environmentally conscious.

3 reasons why colored text is the best


It looks amazing
It makes you standout


3 reasons why I should/shouldn’t have bumped this thread


It’s a nice thread
The format let’s more detailed responses be used
you are super cool (i told them so)

3 reasons why I’m salty about Realmafia

  1. Because they never listen.
  2. Because the civs are being absolute idiots right now
  3. Because you put too much salt on your chips.

3 reasons why showers are better than baths?

  1. I dont have a bathhub
  2. Baths take a long time
  3. Baths use a lot more water

3 Reasons why mystic is bad

  1. mystic does way too much damage for a staff class
  2. mystic is far too versatile to be balanced
  3. stasis trolls ruin mystic for other players

3 reasons why your favorite class is bad

The most versatile class right now?
  1. It makes the game to easy
  2. It makes other classes boring because its so much more awesome
  3. Its simply too damm good

3 reasons why pasta is better than pizza

  1. It can be made into multiple dishes unlike pizza where it’s basically just bread with different toppings.
  2. Easier to make it yourself.
  3. It’s cheaper.

3 reasons why Kung Fu Panda is great (or bad)


Jack Black can never be bad. NEVER
It has a really cool story line tbh

3 reasons why I should train for my next tri. I’m having trouble finding the motivation :confused:


Exercise is good for you (so is exorcise, but thats a whole different thing)
Bragging rights for doing well
Because you can and youll look back on it fondly later

3 reasons why I should come back to the forums


because we like you c:
because there are plenty of forum games for you to play
because I don’t see you enough in game

3 reasons why my laptop is 5000000 degrees rn

  1. You probably have about 527 tabs open on Chrome.
  2. Your laptop is out of shape and needs regular exercise
  3. It likes to keep warm and toasty.

3 reasons why :crab:


2.:crab: rave is actually a good song
3.:crab: meat

3 reasons why milk is good for your bones


calcium is a metal and therefore it makes your bones metal
milk comes from a cow, which is a very strong animal, so it makes you bones strong
milk is white, so it makes your bones white and white is the best color shit im not racist really

3 reason why hmmm

  1. H
  2. m
  3. m

11 reasons why binary is nice

  1. You can confuse people
  2. Its needed for computers
  3. You can count to over 1000 with your fingers using binary numbers.

3 reason why cheese is good

  1. It has holes that are fun to stick body parts in
  2. It is better when it is moldy
  3. If the mice love it, why shouldn’t I?

3 reasons why Bill Nye will forever be “The Science Guy”

  1. That’s
  2. His
  3. Name

3 reasons why REEEEEE

  1. because only true intellectuals would use “ree” in place of an actual sentence that bears any meaning
  2. because “ree” is clearly the superior to other sounds actually made by humans like “aaaahhh”
  3. because CandyShi has 200 IQ and he’s the one who asked the question

3 reasons why this reply should be read at face value without investigating the possibility of sarcasm and/or backhanded roasts

  1. It’s a reply in the Forum Games category.
  2. It’s about something invented on an ironic site.
  3. Not everyone can actually interpret extra meanings behind words.

Give me three reasons to not cut off my dysphoric friend’s unwanted mammaries.