3 Reasons Why

  1. Tastes bad when cold.
  2. Tastes sweet when hot.
  3. It’s blue, but looks white.

3 Reasons why Cola is weird?

  1. I like pet that follow you around
  2. Perma death
  3. Forum


you forgot to add 3 reasons, I’ll do it for you.
3 reasons why planes are dangerous?


too high in the sky
twin towers
3 reasons why edm is good


i like the letter “e”
i like the letter “d”
i like the letter “m”
i dont know what edm is

3 reasons why you should always check my forum posts for secrets

@Bulwqeajli check for secrets silly


Cuz you have a dog pfp
You are a regular
You are a blue star
/offtopic edm is electronic music essentially

3 reasons why the 5w’s exist


For clarity
For organization
For teachers to bully you with

3 reasons why not to kill everyone in my school?

  1. Trying to kill every single person can be difficult with limited ammo, some are worthless and don’t deserve to be wasted on.
  2. Keep some people alive as hostage to scare the police.
  3. Shoot them but not fatally to put them in agony. And kill their friends in front of their eyes. Then they will wish they were dead, while you walk away and move on to the next room.

3 reasons why you are going to illegally purchase a gun?

  1. lit up a school
  2. Prob sell it after illegally buying it
  3. Protect myself from other people
    3 reasons why you should buy a popcorn machine?


To make popcorn and eat it
To make popcorn and sell it
To sell the machine at a higher price and make profit

3 reasons why cavemen would/wouldn’t make good rotmg players


Breaks the computer
Don’t know how shit works

3 reasons why having a non-rotmg pfp is cooler


Cup of coffee

3 reasons why xxxerx’s guild THE PRAETORIAN GUARD is the best, contact an officer or higher now

  1. Its bad
  2. I dont wanna contact an officer or higher
  3. OwO
    3 Reasons why you travel by boat?


to get seasick so i can do nothing
to waste time
to look at fish?

3 reasons to fly


To get places faster
To flex on the entire human race, especially superhero fandoms
To have fun

3 reasons why we use a 10-base number system


oh i learned about this
1- well because 10 is the first number with two digits
2- we have 10 fingers. people generally use fingers to start counting.
3- bc apparently numbers near 10 are good
4- bc history
god why did u chose such an awful thing.

3 reasons why the Disibility by Integer Combination(DIC) is the best theorem.



Because it has an acronym
Because it uses math
Because I don’t know what it is

3 reasons why someone should be banned from the forums (your choice of anyone, you don’t have to say who)


bc their username has dragon in it
but has a tiger picture
has AKL which sounds like AK-47.

Why the squeeze theorem is an awesome theorem. (your fault for these awful questions)


Because it’s really useful in calculus and oter math
Because it’s also known as the sandwich theorem and sandwiches are food
Because it has nice application

3 reasons why you are thinking about all these theorems


1- because you made me think of math/tech things by mentioning base 10
2- hopefully trying to bait something wrong out of someone
3- see extend of people’s knowledge

(also if i didnt answer that, the question would be invalid, should be “Why is scorchmist thinking…”)

3 reasons why i am still awake at 5:23 am