50% coin flip divine fusion (yes ik mpheal sux fk u guys)



I didn’t want to spend more on mpheal because I didn’t really care.


Jeezus the suspense is real.

Anyways, gratz m8. I tried that myself with humanoid hoping for Marid, but I got the Forest Fairy :frowning:
At least it wasn’t a battle god.


True :stuck_out_tongue: yeah i was super scared.


Whoa dude, red star already with a divine :smiley: I am orange and still waiting to fuse 2 rares ;-;


Well done, Nightmare be sick af.
But that still doesn’t mean you should be hating on ma boi the Yak

You see my dear Drack, he has a special ability called Subway Gift Cards.


Its just that he spend a lot of money on game


Oh true :smiley:


Jesus shit how much did you spend for only 34 days


“Account created 34 days ago”

Jesus Christ dood, Deca is probably in love with you by the amount of money you give :smiley:


So, you’re pay2win?


i thought he was gonna get the other one since it said ‘kms’


Wish I had the money to pay2win aswell…but I dont so.


I’ve only spent ten dollars on the game, and that was for a single char slot. I wish I had money to spend. I am also waiting to upgrade my pet yard and fuse two rares…


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