A calculated cost of a 100/100/100 pet (unpaid/paid)


The endgame item of Realm is ovbiously a 100/100/100 pet, preferably of heal/mheal/electric. But how much does it cost?

With a bit of fiddling on google sheets,

you need:
28 common humanoid eggs (on average) for that h/m/e
7242 [400 FP items] (worth about 2 def each if you want them fast)
3831700 fame

(7900002+915000)/5000 = 499 ambrosias [most efficient]
ambrosia discount pack+158

edit: I hear rolling the mystery can lower costs by a small fraction.
I have not taken into account on gold costs to buy 28 legendary eggs, or 28 rare eggs + fp, or 28 uncommon eggs+fp or 28 common eggs + fp …

If you are spending this much money, DECA should just hand you an h/m/e legendary on your first egg open, otherwise we will have to pay even more.

If you find an error, please tell me!


here is the fame calculation.


nice fam :d


Moved to Guides until Further Evaluation.


#Welcome to the forum, @Merrycatch.


Hi. This is more just a bunch of numbers than a guide really.


not sure if the math was done right, but ill assume it is.

This is not the most accurate representation, just b/c you can feed pass a “max”. Meaning if u had a common pet. You cant let the ambrosia go past lvl 30 until fusing.

Also, would be cheaper with the use of eggs. Not sure how the value is on rare eggs being used to fuse, that would also be a good calculation to see. Also, another would be getting just the first two abilitites to max lvl.

uhh might write more later


…or you could just open like 2 rare penguin eggs and feed them to max.


@Scorchmist The paid calculation was done starting from legendary.
@MrSurvivor opening two rare penguin eggs and fusing them gets you a legendary and not a divine, which is a 90/90/90 and not a 100/100/100. I think.





Well, four penguin eggs then, sorry, I was reading about legendary and thought it was like that. Anyone able to recalculate the price assuming you fuse four eggs from penguins?

P.S. I was going to say two legendaries buuuuut, the legendaries in the shop only come in mystery…


TBH it would be more helpful for the price of just a 100/100. There’s really no point in 100/100/100 unless you’re doing dungeons where solo DPS has to be greater than something (i.e. solo Shatters). Otherwise, it doesn’t help much elsewhere.

And the formatting kinda sucks right now, would be nice to have your conclusion bolded (**this is how to bold text**).

Additionally, @Heromax (aw, still dead :C) did a post on the Kabam forums which concluded that buying the ambrosia mystery boxes were more worth than the ambrosia pack on the home page (even the worse ambrosia one).


good job


@MrSurvivor Starting with 4 rares, getting a 100/100/100 requires strictly more FP than starting with two free legendaries, which is what I based my paid calculations on.

Likely costs will start at $3000.


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