A Giveaway


really wonder if people bought that


Wizard: KoalaPOW, Recurring terror, Shendyt, Omnipotent
Archer: Bow of the void, Quiver of thunder, Spectral cloth, Bracer


archer: void bow, freezing quiver, void armor, bracer
wizard: koalapow, st spell, soulless, pyra


Wizard: KoalaPOW, Tablet of the King’s Avatar, Ritual Robe, Ring of the Sphinx
Archer: void bow, QoT, csilk, bracer


Wizard: Barely Attuned magic thingy, Tablet, Ritual robe, Sourcestone
Archer: Arctic bow, Freezing quiver, Spectral armor, bracer


Archer: Dbow, Qot, Spectral Armor, bracer
Wizard: Anatias Staff , st spell, souless, decades


should i just give out the answer?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters




ill look at the poll in 24 hrs


Archer: T-shot, Qot, LeafDragon, Bracer
Wizard: Barely Attuned Magic Thingy, Pierce, Soulless, Omni
Edit: Changed some items due to hint


OK the vote is out, the answers were
*Archer set: Void Bow, QoT, Armor of Nil, Bracer :smiley:
*Wizard Set: Koala pow, vitamin buster, cheaters robe, and frimmara :stuck_out_tongue:


nobody won. D:
I dont even think anybody said cheaters robe.


You win




uhh, I have a guess.
Archer set: Void bow, QoT, Armor of Nil, Bracer
Wizard Set: Koala POW, Vitamin buster, Cheaters robe, and frimmara
Does this count though? :wink:


Oh really no one guessed cheaters robe a item that does nothing but hurt you as a best set piece?

Damn never would have guessed that one.




so close


dang it, my guess was going to be
Wizturd: Vault chest unlocker, tablet, naked (no robe), and amurica ring



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