A lili thief (brigan skin ?)


(ist not the big one)
A little thief (or a child in a blanket ;_; ) , why i do this one …well… he got me a new dblade (well he ded now , making a new one for farm def) so i was like 'i need to do one"
yes the “dblade” dont look like one and ist not my best, but that ok .
“next” time it will be the “big” one.


I like it, the cloak is a little weird though.


that why i say it look like a blanket >.>


You could also look at it as really long hair, but i see what you mean by blanket.


If I’m being honest it’s extremely terrible. Shading has no clear source, proportions are whack, no consistency in style, perspective is non-existent and the man bean guy’s hood thingy is a completely nonsensical assault on both geometry and fashion.

Though if it’s any consolation you have potential. Keep drawing until you don’t suck anymore and make us proud, don’t let your dreams be memes!


yeah i know ist not my best plus this one was done quick
(but i have done this one and it look ok for a guy that draw rarely A "little" paladin art (Bashing Bride Skin) )


Cool, the eyes bore into me like weed emeralds!!!


Mhhh… Would you mind explaining us?


You have to be able to float in gastric acid to understand…


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