A Realmeye Christmas [RESULTS]



I’ve started a new office job and due to this i forced the burden of reorganizing the remaining mules onto a friend. He said,

Because this week is kinda shit, so is the weekend (next Monday ENglish diploma written) but after that, yeah

the re-roll will happen after this and all the entries that did not win will be entered for the chance to win.

Update 4: Re-organizing and re-rolling prizes soon, whenever my stomach stops hurting

Update 3: Taking a poll to see how I should distribute the remaining items

  • Re-roll for the people that entered but did not win
  • Distribute the prize packages to random people in need in the realm

0 voters

#Results are in!

##0 Days left to collect, Shoot me a realmeye message today to make sure you get your prize.

Update 2: taking a chance, Pm me in game to get your prize. If I don’t respond just know i’ll have your name in my history

Update: Being spammed to death, Santa will come to you. You can let me know you’re online but don’t ask for your winnings please.

#:arrow_down: Click here to see the winners! :arrow_down:

The big list of winners!
Winner Collected? Prize
Acasis Skin worth 3+ life
Acebola Skin worth 3+ life
AFriutNoob Skin worth 3+ life
Aidynjpf Skin worth 3+ life Collected
AKLDragon Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Alaeth 4 Old Tops
Alukhi 4 tops Collected
AmanoGinji Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Amrosia 8 mana Collected
Andiolo 4 low value skins Collected
Androck 4 Old Tops
Andyyxd 4 life
AquaSync 8 mana
Archblaze 4 Old Tops
Astroratix Skin worth 3+ life
AtherSoul 4 tops
Avacus 4 Tops
Avenoir 4 tops
Axepz Skin worth 3+ life
AyyBuu 4 tops Collected
BACONlllll 4 tops
BadGraaphs Skin worth 3+ life
BalderFB 4 Old Tops
Ballsrkool 4 Old Tops Collected
Banderhobb Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Banebu Skin worth 3+ life
Baxtabber 4 Old Tops
BedDaBaws 4 tops Collected
Beorn 2 STs
Bibonie 4 Old Tops
BionicLego 4 life
Blahqweh Skin worth 3+ life
Blazeingg 4 Old Tops Collected
BloodDager 8 mana
Bloodlustu 8 incs
BlueDrop 8 incs
Boward 4 tops Collected
BrianDing 4 Old Tops
Brianking Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Brianskate 4 life Collected
Bttf 4 tops Collected
Buddyhuman 4 Old Tops
CandyShi 4 Old Tops
Castawayz 4 life Collected
Caumohtius 4 tops
Cheezezez 8 mana
Chickenli 4 life
Clemens 4 life Collected
Clockchess 4 tops Collected
CoCChamp 4 tops
CoconutXD 8 mana Collected
Coldudebro 8 incs
ConsoleMC 4 Old Tops Collected
CptnRAS Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Craig 4 life Collected
CrayKiller 8 mana
Crazyriver 4 tops
Creepykiss 4 Old Tops
CrispyPil 4 tops
Crixtobal 4 tops
Culcheese Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Cupquak Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Curlip 8 incs
CxAdawxC 2 STs Collected
DaBLAAZE 4 life
Dairydevil 4 tops Collected
DarckMario 4 Old Tops
Darkdraken 4 tops
DarkOryx Skin worth 3+ life
DarkSkiff Skin worth 3+ life
Datbossya 4 tops Collected
DatEati 8 mana Collected
Davage 4 tops
DeathMAE 4 life Collected
Deathspree 4 life Collected
Deickma Skin worth 3+ life Collected
DemonVidix Skin worth 3+ life
DethMcGee 8 incs
Dethscream Skin worth 3+ life
Detlas Skin worth 3+ life Collected
DeveloperK 4 tops Collected
DGSham Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Dialith 4 tops Collected
Dilsaucee 4 Old Tops Collected
Diogeneez 2 STs
DivineGodz 4 tops
DofaLord 4 life Collected
DogeHero Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Doiiiiiiii Skin worth 3+ life
DrAbdullah 4 Tops
Dracobots Skin worth 3+ life Collected
DragaszLT Skin worth 3+ life
DrillDoggo 2 STs
Drizayy 4 life Collected
Druzze 4 tops Collected
Duckymaste 4 tops
Durachek 4 life
Dweebnar Skin worth 3+ life Collected
EbilDark 4 life Collected
EddieGLO 4 life
Efnuiwrbvu 4 Tops Collected
Emorotmg 8 mana
Endermun Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Eponie 8 incs Collected
Etahn 4 tops Collected
Evilmadman 4 Old Tops
Evrsnitch 4 tops Collected
ExarQel 8 mana
Expoldzibo 4 life
Famillopez 4 tops
FatCut Skin worth 3+ life
FatsPanda 4 tops Collected
Faukz 4 life Collected
FaustVers Skin worth 3+ life
Fauxtux 4 tops
Felixshark 4 tops Collected
Fetherflap Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Fhlbsiflub 8 Treasures Collected
Fhsakuhfal 4 life
FinalStanZ 8 incs
FIREONFIRE 2 STs Collected
Fireris 4 tops Collected
Fkyeh Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Flamebom Skin worth 3+ life
Flareonite 2 STs
Flconpnch 4 tops
Floixman 8 incs Collected
FluXXus 4 Old Tops
Foretet 4 Old Tops
Foxesrock 4 life Collected
Fuzzymoose 2 STs Collected
Gabethebob 4 tops Collected
GagantMule 2 STs
GamerFT 4 Old Tops Collected
GetCrossed Skin worth 3+ life
Ghunda 4 life Collected
Glawi 4 tops Collected
GodNathan 4 tops
Goldendp Skin worth 3+ life
GoldenO 4 tops
Goodnamey 4 tops
Gostkirby 8 mana
GpcGaming Skin worth 3+ life
Grimmraper 4 Tops Collected
Gsspot 4 life
Gyron 4 Old Tops
Hamhawk 4 Old Tops
Hammylammy Skin worth 3+ life
Hanabuki 4 life
Happiiny 8 mana
Hboooo 4 tops Collected
HermWizard 8 incs Collected
Heroxxbh 4 Old Tops
Hogoq 4 Old Tops Collected
Homerdie Skin worth 3+ life
HtwoOnine 4 Old Tops Collected
Huddin Skin worth 3+ life
Hurhudur Skin worth 3+ life Collected
HurpDurpie 4 Old Tops Collected
Hydroshad Skin worth 3+ life
HZQ 8 incs
IceSwitch 2 STs Collected
Ickabod 2 STs
Ilouis Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Immortaxio 4 tops Collected
Impend 8 incs
InfiniteDA 4 tops
Invaderzzz 8 mana
Ironhacks 4 tops
Isaczim 4 tops Collected
Iwlijump Skin worth 3+ life
IYES 8 incs
Izuni 2 STs Collected
JagedGerm Skin worth 3+ life
JairoOnex 4 tops
Jaminghole Skin worth 3+ life
JaTroll 4 tops
Joshuachen 4 life Collected
Juanbast Skin worth 3+ life
Justinxlol 4 life Collected
Kamakamaha 4 tops Collected
KaranPleb 4 low value skins
Karizo 8 incs
KaseDerp 4 tops
Kasperj 4 Old Tops
KennyBloon 4 low value skins
KillDemonx 4 Old Tops
KingsSoul 4 life
Kiranadhik Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Kluber 4 tops Collected
Kmrmehta 4 low value skins
Knvies 4 tops
KobeSS 4 tops Collected
Konarvin 8 mana
KonkTwo Skin worth 3+ life
KosmicLord 8 incs
Krooze Skin worth 3+ life
KryptoGato 4 life Collected
Kubush 4 Tops
Lagggggg 4 tops Collected
Laserquest 4 life Collected
Lavandula 4 low value skins
LAXxBROo 4 tops
Lbizarro 4 tops Collected
Leafeonite 4 tops Collected
LegalSec 2 STs Collected
LegitPoner Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Lidist 8 incs Collected
LivnA Skin worth 3+ life Collected
LlllIllIIl Skin worth 3+ life
LockonHaro 4 tops Collected
Lolnopeeee 2 STs Collected
Lolsajin Skin worth 3+ life Collected
LopylopII 2 STs
LordChump 8 incs Collected
Lostshell 4 Old Tops Collected
Lovelle 4 tops
Luke Skin worth 3+ life
LuminaryX 4 life Collected
LuXiang 4 Old Tops
Luxitopex 4 tops
LuxuryCar 4 Tops
Lxcy 8 incs Collected
Mackifee Skin worth 3+ life
MagezGod Skin worth 3+ life
Makaia Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Mandd 4 tops
Marshpop 4 life Collected
MaskyAlone Skin worth 3+ life
Mathen 4 Old Tops
Maxhello Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Megadot 2 STs
Meio Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Meldero Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Mergbad 4 life
Messay Skin worth 3+ life Collected
MfImAwesum 8 mana
MHBarioth Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Miralda 4 Old Tops
Misaak Skin worth 3+ life Collected
MissKiity 8 mana Collected
MJJudgedea 4 tops Collected
MoneyNatsu 4 tops
Moosykoosy 4 tops Collected
Motarno 4 tops
MrCinccino Skin worth 3+ life Collected
MrDroidi Skin worth 3+ life
MrSurvivor 4 tops Collected
Muffin 2 STs
Musictrue 4 tops Collected
Mustaqo 4 life Collected
Mutune Skin worth 3+ life
Myridden 4 tops Collected
Mythnix 8 incs
Nakiel 4 tops
Naptime 4 tops Collected
Narranzzar 4 Old Tops
Nasacko 4 Old Tops
NatkJaxson Skin worth 3+ life Collected
NatsuFfire Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Nerc 4 tops
Nesim 4 life
Nessiee 4 tops
NeutralKey Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Nickfur Skin worth 3+ life
Niegil Skin worth 3+ life Collected
NoboltQ 4 tops Collected
NoRanoah Skin worth 3+ life Collected
NumberOne 8 mana
Omgaman Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Opkim Skin worth 3+ life
OptcCgod 4 life
OpTs Skin worth 3+ life
OrionPrL 4 tops
OryxLike Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Oshuaray 4 Old Tops Collected
OwenDaBest Skin worth 3+ life Collected
OwenvV 4 tops Collected
Ozzyphelps 4 Old Tops
PandaPC 4 tops
Pandrrrrr Skin worth 3+ life Collected
PastryGod 4 life
Pbfury 4 Tops
PenguWrath 4 life Collected
Pexium 4 Old Tops
PhantomMod Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Pheokid 4 tops Collected
Piemansweg 4 Tops Collected
PiersonW 2 STs
Piura 2 STs
PKzinSuave 4 tops Collected
Poji 4 Tops
Pokedukes 4 life
Ponkshlonk Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Poopdead 2 STs Collected
Poopier 4 tops
PotFarmLTT Skin worth 3+ life
Powerwand 4 tops Collected
Proasdfase 8 incs Collected
PumkingONE Skin worth 3+ life
Pwnzified 8 incs
Pyroaid 4 tops
Pyrodudes Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Pyrolizrd 4 Old Tops
QuadroCube Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Quinnquinn 4 Old Tops
Qwefb 4 tops Collected
RabidBath 4 Tops
Radiate Skin worth 3+ life
RadzioPLxD 8 incs
RamudoMkV 8 mana
Rbaabhdahe 4 tops
RichGold Skin worth 3+ life
Rockhoppy Skin worth 3+ life
Rockya 4 Old Tops
Rollerdino Skin worth 3+ life
Rotmgmodss Skin worth 3+ life Collected
ROTMGno 8 mana Collected
Rovux 8 mana
Royalbow 4 tops Collected
Rustypug Skin worth 3+ life
Ryuyah 8 mana
Saburoo 4 tops
Sadfahlsdj 8 mana
Sahibjit 4 life Collected
Saloproz 4 tops
Sauricorn Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Scrublets 8 mana
Sdjofjsdfi 4 tops
SeaKitty 4 Old Tops
Seanchen 4 Old Tops
Sections Skin worth 3+ life
Selimmm 4 life Collected
Serialize Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Shengkia 4 Old Tops
Shinobity 4 Old Tops
Shotanakaz 4 tops
SilentGN Skin worth 3+ life
Skerzz 8 mana
Skrilllexm 8 mana Collected
Skrillzz 4 life Collected
Slayerqa 4 low value skins Collected
Smartypant 4 life Collected
SmxyBaby 4 life Collected
SnakoM 4 Old Tops Collected
Sparkws Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Spielvogel 8 mana
Sportfour 4 life Collected
Starwartwo Skin worth 3+ life Collected
StephanJ 4 tops Collected
Stijnruijs Skin worth 3+ life
StormPMC Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Strads Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Strideryea 2 STs
Stuartcat Skin worth 3+ life
SunnyBPW 4 Old Tops
SupermanEH 4 tops
Superninna 4 tops Collected
SwagPiggaz 8 incs
Syahid 4 tops
Taaamarin 8 mana Collected
Tarlan Skin worth 3+ life Disqualified
TeisTom 4 tops Collected
ThaMonsta 8 mana
TheAGD Skin worth 3+ life Collected
TheArtizan 4 Old Tops
TheoGoober 4 life
ThePeplow 4 tops Collected
TheRainMan 4 tops
THEstompy Skin worth 3+ life
ThunderSY 4 tops
Tiffit 4 life Collected
Tigerball 4 tops
Tilshers 2 STs
Timlooi Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Tomfood 4 life
TooDump 4 tops
Tornadodud 4 tops Collected
TotallyFap 4 Old Tops
Trickster 4 tops
Trillum 4 tops Collected
Trvalv 4 Old Tops
Ttffotorr 4 tops Collected
Turquoiuse 4 tops Collected
TylerJake 4 tops Collected
TyrLord 4 tops
TZand Skin worth 3+ life Collected
UnderworId 8 mana Collected
Unoculus 2 STs Collected
Unowna 8 mana Collected
VagSlaya Skin worth 3+ life
Venomstikz 4 Old Tops Collected
Vincews 4 tops
Voidhobo 2 STs Collected
VolcanicMG Skin worth 3+ life
Vonos Skin worth 3+ life Collected
VPMoreira 8 incs
Waiter 2 STs Collected
Watermelon 4 tops
Werdrew 4 tops
Whatyanam Skin worth 3+ life
WhyRemorse 4 tops Collected
Wiilli Skin worth 3+ life
Wizzybrain 4 tops Collected
Woodlog 2 STs
Wooyari 4 Old Tops
XanderGio 4 tops Collected
Xanfer Skin worth 3+ life
XArber 4 tops
Xeratha 4 life
XHippobroX 4 tops Collected
Xholda 8 mana Collected
XJustin 4 life
XNorm 4 life Collected
Xswzaq 4 low value skins Collected
XTROLLERzz Skin worth 3+ life Collected
Xwarior Skin worth 3+ life
XxBuddysxX 4 tops
XxJackiexX Skin worth 3+ life
XXTrickXx 8 incs
Xyagan 4 Old Tops
YBrain 4 tops
Yes 2 STs
Yhuori 4 Old Tops Collected
Yoursis Skin worth 3+ life Collected
ZantharXXX 4 low value skins
Zaptos 4 life
Zenphux 8 incs
ZENZIO 4 life
Zinktro 2 STs
Zmbeslayer 4 tops
Zorostar 8 incs

#:arrow_up: Click here to see the winners! :arrow_up:

Congratulations and Merry Christmas to everyone! If you do not need the winnings feel free to either pass them onto anyone or tell me so I can re-roll it.

Sorry I made it in new thread, I had to.

Don’t know what I’m talking about? Click here.

A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]
Uncollected RealmEye Christmas present
A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]

Reserving this post so I can update later for moderation if necessary.

Near as I can tell the following winners have not collected their prizes:


Reserving, same.

Edit 1= Oh wow, i actually won something.4 tops. Extremely grateful for this, especially considering how lucky i’ve already gotten.


Welp did not win


Wow, 8 Incs, was never expecting to actually get anything.




Yay I won 4 life, now I can buy that hunty skin I’ve been wanting.
How do I recieve my winnings?


Wow, I actually won something! Thank you wonderful community. @Shatter Do I watch for a message from you, or should I be proactive in contacting Santa?


Santa will contact you till further notice ( I may decide the opposite is better)


wait wtf did i actually win?


omg it says i won a skin worth 3+ life


Well that means you did



@Shatter yo ill claim it :D?


cause i actually want a skin lol


Good luck sleeping Santa.


Where do I claim my prize from?


@Shatter already answered this. He will reach out to you. :slight_smile: He already reached out to me.


Oh okay, I will get on Realm right now then


Thank you for a fun event, @Shatter! I think this was also a great way to add more people to the forums, as well as spreading some joy. Definitely hoping for this to return next year!


When someone wins a door prize and the main pool while you and your friends who wanted to split any winnings all get 0 :c

well, rip my hopes and dreams, congrats to the winners