A.S.S drop


ive gotten 1 in a year and a half
buff the shits drop rate i need em


“i never get them please fucking buff the drop rate”

10/10 fucking logic mate so relevant to my thread

get the fuck out


“I’ve gotten 3 in 2 days, I am so fucking lucky better make it harder for everybody else to obtain because my ego REEEEEE”


It’s not about my ego or luck, its about making a good item rarer.


I think the polite version is: Just because you got lucky doesn’t mean people haven’t been trying, and failing, to acquire an ASS.

Because you dropped several ASSes (the cluster effect of probability; also, ASS, lol) means you take more notice of that item and you observe people “getting them all the time”.

It doesn’t (necessarily) mean the drop rate is too high, it just means RNGesus hugged you and a bunch of people you happened to be with for a few days.

Also, ASS isn’t that special. It’s only of any use against a handful of enemies and if you want to extend you range then the pokey jabby stabby CSword is better in most situations (with the extra 0.5 squares).

I haven’t had an ASS in several years (fnarr, fnarr) so I’ll disagree with you.

If you need me to translate this to reddit speak: lolz. wut? ass is rare as fck you tard. go fuck yrslf. nerf. noooo!!!


Are you aware of Deca’s recent announced change giving the Castle increased drop rates? It just sounds from your answer that you might not be. It’s this change that’s prompting the discussion, as to whether they’ve gone too far in making Ass common, if someone is getting one in what seems like every other castle.


Ass droprate was always super high, and if you were able to reach threshold (the actual challenge), chances for a double white (one ass from each guardien) were actually not even that low.

But now, since that threshold is just a joke, things seem rather whack. I got two ass in the last 3 castle or something. One with a sorc, barely touching any of them. Once again, decker have no fucking idea what they’re doing… 8|


Hadn’t seen it but I take it it’s this:

“Lowered damage thresholds in Oryx’s Castle and the Lair of Draconis.”

I guess this increases drop rates indirectly by increasing the number of people that qualify for SB. I’m OK with this. It’s not like ASS is a game changer or is a problem for other players. If a melee wants to do 10% less damage to enemies all the better.

On a related note, how the hell are LoD SBs reduced? I thought that a chest already had an insanely low SB threshold?!


Probability. If there are enough people who reach soulbound threshold it’s going to seem as if it’s a guaranteed drop.


No, DECA should up the an threshold


Just got 2 in 3 hours, how is it rare?


It’s not guaranteed for every person. I’m living proof. I feel like there’s actual code preventing people with the name Sartorium from getting an A.S.S.


It’s not. At least not for you.

I’ve not had any and I’ve run plenty of castles this week. So in my little world with a super small sample set they don’t drop at all. :slight_smile:


It’s always been a pretty common white bag, more like the UTs from the Sprite World than an Event White. So as long as you can get SB, which isn’t as simple as just turning up due to their high def, you have a chance. I just died with one, but have two more in my vault. Not gotten any recently but have been doing far fewer Oryx’s Castles, first due to the Horde gumming up Realm closing, now as people are more focussed on Godland dungeons than closing the Realm,


So only 5 classes can get sb again?


Not by that much


Any class could get SB, pretty easily in most cases. Melee obviously, and bow classes with DBow. Ninja and Trix do almost as much damage as melee so qualify easily.

Ninja, Assassin, both bow classes and now Necro + Sorc have abilities that do several hundred damage per use. Wand classes have an armour piercing weapon, and the Wiz has an armour piercing ability.

But all classes have a chance if the battle goes on long enough, so if the group of people is small enough. It’s an easy enough fight whatever the number of people, you just need a quiet Realm.


Yeah, it’s way more common than it used to ever be.


the trick was to pop an orange drake egg, or two, and bullwerk the shit out of the guardiens.
Unfortunately decker derps thought that orange drake eggies were waay too much fun, so they got rid of that. Fucking hell. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


up date:now 6