About the new influx of Someone's (Book?) Realmeye Bots


I think this will only get worse… (You know what I mean)

So, I think we should set a posting threshold. I think it should be a star level, say, 14 stars, which isn’t that bad. (I mean… if someone really didn’t want to get to that because they really only want to play one class, they can easily make an alt and spend an hour to get to 14 stars…)

Also, I think if a user receives enough flags, they should be “muted” or banned from posting until a moderator checks them out. Also, flagging rights should only be given to accounts with, say, a 3+hour reading history or something like that so that Book & Co. can’t just make new accounts to troll others.

And I feel that you guys might benefit from IP bans. Like… Book probably uses his own IP (range) or some VPN. You can easily ban them and prevent this from happening. So… like those IP ranges would not be allowed to post or flag, per say.


  • We should have minimum requirements for posting.
  • We should make it so users with enough flags get banned from posting. (Until Mods review)
  • We should have minimum requirements for flagging.
  • We should start IP-banning people (removing posting and flagging rights)


or get mods that don’t have a life that occupy their time

cough jason


I believe IP banning dosen’t work because Book is using a proxy. Other than that, I feel like you other ideas would be good, but would you put it past Book to fame train just to fuck with the forums? Or anyone for that matter?


Just make more forum moderators?

They could tag someone with a ban; moderators check it out and see if the ban is justified then ban goes through.


About the new influx of Book’s Realmeye Bots

didn’t book quit the forums? :thinking:


Apparently not



[Edit (Nevov): Please stop posting this, I have already replied to you about it.]


^^ That works too… but mods will not always be able to monitor all posts… So a community based spam feature/muting feature could be nice.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. But you can IP ban proxys too. And if he’s using Tor… I don’t know what to say, but might as well let him waste his life. You can track if someone is actually reading the forums with code; things like mouse movements, likes, etc. So… in the end, he’ll be using a lot of time and we can probably make the banning process faster.

I can’t tell… but this sure seems like something he’d do. I changed the title for clarity.




we already have ip bans. it’s just that book got a new router, quoting the man himself.

i thought the forums had a system where getting too many flags would prevent you from posting, as in the case of troii’s alts, but it looks like it got messed up with the new discourse update.

also, you got your key facts wrong. it’s not just book doing this. zuzu is probably the one posting the nsfw, since book made the account info public on the realmeye discord.


Maxed on edits and flags and anything else I could do and it was 4 am.


yes that’s why im saying promote to mod instead of leader


Oh… misread sorry


Well, seeing as he announced he was quitting and Jason claims multiple people were behind the most recent case.
I’d say it’s just another master ploy by Book. The two are close so they probably made it clear somewhere on Discord that it was someone “different”

Book pretends to leave the forum so that we get a false sense of security, then trolls the forum with a worse method under the new alias of ‘a few people’

Why? Because one, it makes ‘the story’ interesting for them who was probably bored with the same old previous methods, and it gives them more things to work with now that they claim to be not book, instead some anonymous no-life group that has an arsenal of trolling weapons for a god damn 8-bit mmorpg forum.

It’s pretty standard manipulation if you think about it, and I’m disappointed that people like Jason bought it. And even more disappointed it’s continuing, at the end of the day when it’s over, all Book going to have is regret and depression for wasting their time for this.


What are you talking about I bought it? are you saying it was only book?

Book was part of it. zuzu was part of it. those are the only 2 Ik for sure. You can have multiple people logged on a account posting. I was even logged into the account while post were being put up. I changed the realmeye pass word but that did nothing.

I didn’t “fall” for anything.

Me logged in


Yes, I am. It’s pretty obvious.


Well you’re dead wrong but alright… you wern’t even on at the time


Alright, then explain why you know Zuzu was a part of it and why you speculate more people were involved.





Again you were not on. post were being made much faster then one person could

Also again



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