Account reset questions


Today I died (extremely stupidly) and since that was my only maxed character (I’ve been dying a lot recently) and I didn’t have many UTs (also a product of the dying) I decided to reset my account.

It was totally impulsive but I don’t regret my decision. I didn’t release my pet, instead I suicided all my characters to get fame and fed all of my UTs and STs to it (my dragon was hungry). The result: a 70/x pet that can fuse with my 70/70 pet. Unfortunately, I miscalculated and I need 2k more fame to fuse. Back on the topic of reseting, I completely emptied my potion vault, normal vault, and gift chests.

People who have partially or completely reset your account, why did you do it, did you regret it, and do you have any other thoughts to share?

Also: how do you indent with this? I can’t figure out how


Glad that you’re not regretting it, but that was a stupid move that you’ll regret later, no offense


Yeah most likely. I had hardly anything good, maybe 15 crappy UTs that were left and no maxed characters, so it wasn’t that bad of a loss. All I had in my potion vault was like 5 glife.


I wouldnt say killing off all your characters us a stupid move that youd regret. Cause if you were getting bored with the game, youd have way more stuff to do than you did before.


I disagree. Having the UT items is what opens up new gameplay possibilities and makes the game “exciting.” Resets aren’t that common, and there’s a good reason for it – there’s no point in throwing out your items as FP. I don’t know what the general community counts as boring, but for me, tossing our your gear and grinding for them again isn’t fun. It’s hell.


i guess what i mean is that, now you have a goal to get those UT’s again. thats probably just me since i like white bags and endless farming


Ok that’s not too bad, it’s just if you killed like 5-6 8/8s or smth, cus honestly maxing kinda sucks and is very boring. This could be a big help to your pet though, so it could be a smart move in the long run. Idk man, if you think that this will be a fun new experience, then cool! It’s just not something I would ever do.


This was also a part of my decision. I was just tired of the cycle of dying -> spending all my pots and UTs on a character -> dying -> making a ppe -> making a pot farming character -> repeat


I see where you are coming from, but I disagree. For me, the most fun part of the game is getting the UTs, not using them. Most of the UTs that I got were fed or not used for a month, but the excitement of getting it would be worth even losing it immediately after. A few days ago, I realized that I had reached the point where I got no real thrill from getting a UT, and I felt that I needed to refresh that.

When I was having troubles moving my account to exalt, I made a new account to play on while Deca sorted out the problems. That was honestly probably the most fun I had had in a couple of weeks. The two main things that held back my enjoyment on that account were the lack of vault space/character slots and the lack of a good pet. My account reset was basically my way to make a new account, but with neither of those problems

Also, before the reset I had been stressing a lot about what to keep and what to throw out. Should I vault that davy mark in case the quest came up tomorrow or should I leave that dbow in my vault in case I die? Should I throw away my stash of t11 weapons? What about my saint patrick’s day wand? Now that I threw out literally everything, I have 60 or so vault spaces waiting to be filled with items, and the entire inventories of my new characters too.

I have always struggled with keeping maxed characters alive, and that probably has to do with my playstyle. I absolutely HATE nexusing, and I do lots of stupid things that get me killed. Today, the death that pushed me over the edge was my assassin at the crystal worm father event. He had just spawned, and for some reason I thought the mini worm that he spawned didn’t shoot for a couple of seconds. I chose to sit on it, and I was COMPLETELY wrong. I didn’t even see it shoot I died so fast. I doubt this was the answer, but I had some hope that having weak characters on a “new” account would make me play safer. I have tried to play safer, but I always end up thinking that I can survive JUST this last phase, or rush through the middle of a dirty tomb, or complete this boss fight while standing completely still. It is 100% my fault for most of my deaths, and I thought that having a fresh start would make me play a bit safer, and maybe be able to maintain a maxed character past 2k base fame
yes I know it’s sad that I haven’t been able to get a character to 2k base fame in my almost 2 years playing realm


Kabam did it to me by force one time. I can’t say I quite enjoyed it.


God damn why did I not think of that when I reset

etter do it before DECA raises fame values though

idk just spacebar it’s not too hard

Game was boring, I’d just died on my favourite knight to drags into spawn of an mt. I failed to level 2 new characters and lost some amazing gear, so I figured I had nothing to lose. I don’t remember much of what I threw out but a jugg and bloody cloak were one of the highlights. And one thing, people will tell you about how you’re gonna regret it, it’s not that smart but it’s your decision in the end. I don’t think I regret it.

I think another reason was I wanted to try nae but was too pussy to go petless


Account resets are usually quite refreshing, although i really wouldn’t recommend it to anybody that has troubles maxing characters or keeping them alive, sure you feel accomplished once you start doing the little milestones again but then you realize that you eventually hit the first big wall in the game of maxing life and mana on your chars and also refarming all the necessary UTs on your chars but on the plus side your motivation to play at that point is usually sky high.

I Don’t think you should’ve reset your characters but if you didn’t have much to lose then i don’t really see the issue at that point, enjoy the remaxing. (its the most fun part of this game omegalul)




While I didn’t do a full account reset, I did do a partial reset a few years back when I thought I was going to quit realm (I even had a post in the farewell thread). I gave away everything tradeable, which was basically just 2 inventories full of Christmas reskinned T6 abilities, a few UBHP rings, an etherite dagger, and some WC tops. I then killed off my remaining characters and left my account like that. I ended up coming back just 11 months later, but that is the longest time away from the game I have had.

I did it because I needed to focus heavily on school. I had just joined the Navy and the academic expectations were set pretty high. I needed to reduce my video game playing, and part of that for me was cutting out Realm. The next year of school was much less intense than I was expecting, though, so I ended up coming back and haven’t taken more than a month or so off since then.

I think it is healthy to step away from the game every once and a while, especially when it is taking up a lot of time that you don’t really have to spare. I will be doing it again starting once MotMG dies off. I don’t think I would suicide my UTs, though, and certainly wouldn’t release my pet, unless I truly wanted to quit the game for good. If I want a new account experience I will just make a new account through the Exalt client vice playing through Steam.


Around 2 months ago I did my first account reset ever:

I also fed most of my UTs (ran out of fame and have 3 char slots with old UTs still) and only kept rare ones (my Juggs, Bracers, Crowns, Omni, etc.). I also gave away many of my items that I knew others could use (7 Decades and ~16 UBHPs). The saddest death was to my 13k Base Pally PPE, rest her soul! My only regret, I guess, is not trying O3 with my older characters I did not care about, as I still have yet to do one.

Overall, I’d say I enjoyed resetting as it was the first time since 2013 that I had empty chests and character slots. Before the reset, the game was getting somewhat stale for me as I had ~17 8/8 characters. I also did not want to farm dungeons as I did not want to waste potions I would have gotten (leave them on the ground). Heck, it got to the point where I 8/8’d a level 1 Samurai (which I still have). Now I have actual uses for the potions as I can feed the new characters. It also helps that I enjoy rebuilding too as well as PPEs :stuck_out_tongue: .


I just realized that I’m really selfish for drinking the ~20 glife that I had stored instead of giving it away. It didn’t really cross my mind because my last character was level 1 and was tasked with cleaning out my vault by dropping everything that couldn’t be fed to my pet.


16 8/8 deaths in this pic

16-16=/= 1
Maybe it was 17 or something? Just something that I noticed


Oh yeah, I forgot to include that Samurai in the head count, whoops.

If You Could Bring Back 16 Characters

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