Account Stats: ANY WHALES? [Poll]


some polls to see some interesting information about your accounts and a perfect opportunity to flex on us :speak_no_evil:

*if you dont match any of the choices then choose the closest

  • 5 or less
  • 10
  • 20
  • 40
  • 60
  • 80
  • 100
  • 140 or more

0 voters

  • 5 or less
  • 10
  • 20
  • 40
  • 60
  • 80
  • 100
  • 150
  • 200 or more

0 voters

  • no pet
  • common (30/30)
  • uncommon (50/50)
  • rare (70/70)
  • legendary 1 (80/77)
  • legendary 2 (87/83)
  • legendary 3 (90/90/76)
  • legendary 4 (90/90/90)
  • divine 1 (90/90)
  • divine 2 (94/92)
  • divine 3 (97/94)
  • divine 4 (100/100/88)
  • divine 5 (100/100/100)

0 voters

  • 10 or less
  • 20
  • 40
  • 80
  • 120
  • 200
  • 300
  • 500 or more

0 voters


any other information you think should be polled? ANSWER BELOW

  • f2p
  • smol money
  • some money
  • a lot of money

0 voters


current acc value:

vaults: 6
chars: 5
pet: legendary (83/80/62 mheal/heal/attack far)
skins: don’t know, about 20 I guess
f2p since 2012-10-04


Honestly, a google form would’ve been better if we want more exact numbers


I agree. Like, a lot of my data falls in between given poll options haha

I suppose these are my stats:

Vaults: 8
Chars: 6
Skins: 35 (It apparently didn’t count the two pixie sets I acquired lol, so actually 36)
Pet: 87/83/67

F2P, naturally. I’d say it probably shows, huh.


Like 250 Euros vs. 3000 hours play time, seems like the ratio is comparable to books/singleplayer games/movies etc.


Chars: 18
Vaults: 21
Skins: 25
Pet: 87/81/68
Amount Spent: $200
Time Played: 1.2k hours


I really regret messing up my pet


Slots: 8
Vaults: 8
Pet: 70/70 rare
Skins: 20 (?)
Money spent: F2P!
Time played: no clue


Chars: 30
Vaults: 28
Skins: 152~
Pet: 94/93/83
Amount Spent: $150~
Time Played: like probably 3k ish


Slots: 20
Chests: 40 or so
Skins: 120
Pet: 100, 98, 88 ( around 88) (no money spent on it)
Amount spent: 120
Hours: 3700


How does everyone know how many hours they have played? Or are they just estimating?


Slots: 4
Chests: 5
Skins: 5
Pet: 57,55,0 rare
Amount spent: 0
Hours: idk


If you play on steam, it just tells you somewhere (I don’t use steam, so I don’t know exactly where). Otherwise, you combine the time played shown in your realmeye graveyard summary (to show total dead character time) with the times given for each alive character in muledump.


Slots: 8

Chests: All 140

Skins: 5

Pets: 73/72/40 (Spent 30 USD @ the beginning but now almost F2P).

Amount spent: 400 USD+

Hours: 360+ hours


55 slots
All vaults



Chars: 6
Vaults: 7
Skins: 20~
Pet: 85/81/65
Amount Spent: 0
Time Played: like probably 2.5k ig, I had 1800 on steam when I started using standalone in March.


The graveyard thing doesn’t work for people who merched a ton :pensive:


Vaults: 140
Chars: 40
Amount Spent ~2.5K
Time played 4500 Hours