Accuracy Farming Problem


I’m trying to farm accuracy from the tutorial turrets, and I want to keep my char autofiring in an app like Chrome while I do other stuff on another app.

I aim my mouse at the turret and press I to autofire, but when I switch off Chrome onto another app and go back, the char still has the firing animation but no bullet projectiles are coming out so it’s not really firing. Is there a way around this?

Left-click triggering auto-fire

You will stop firing the moment your focus switches off the Flash application.
The closest thing to a work-around which I personally used to use was playing in projector, and resizing the projector to minimum size. You still need to keep focus on the projector, but you could be watching Netflix on the side with the tiny projector window on top left corner.

Unfortunately I myself have no solution to being able to keep autofire up if you lose focus (click away) from the flash app.
Sorry :worried:


You aren’t supposed to farm accuracy…it’s an ACHIVEMEMT for a reason, not meant to be farmed…


you realize that hitting turrents will hurt your accuracy? Deca took the hitbox away from them to stop most accuracy farners, its an achievment for accurate people, not people who can sit in tutorial the longest. Better to shoot at an unactivated tomb boss.


Last time I checked, hitting tutorial turrets still raised accuracy. Some more testing might be needed though.


I just threw a few spell bombs on a turret for testing, and ya, it still works, even thought it may possibly be lowered?




Werbenja is correct

I spell bombed tutorial turrets a few times and it got me to 310%.

As for the OP, there’s really no way around this, the best thing has been suggested (making flash as small as possible, and dragging the window off your screen).

2000 Fame Tactic

someone is using their brains


But thanks, from what I can see there is no way yet :frowning:
(thats not that big of a problem know that I just died) :cry:


Eh, just follow what @MessltUp said


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