MotMG Event [Manor Chest - Jul 15th to Jul 22nd]


Copied from an update to the event Reddit post:

MotMG 2019 Discussion Megathread

Dang it. I wish the chest dropped more stuff lmao
With this in mind, I will value the alien portals more than manors



Updated with the shatters event


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Active MotMG Events [Shatters Chest, Wormhole Dungeons - Jul 19th to Jul 24th/26th]


I realise that’s mirroring how Deca’s doing it, with edits to their single topic for each new event, but am not sure that translates well to the forum (past info can be lost, or confusion about how to handle if they overwrite old info), so I’m going to split off your Shatters/Wormhole edit into a new topic, and revert this back into just the Manor Chest event/edit.

Maybe we could’ve had them all in one topic with new posts to announce new events/edits, perhaps that’d be a route for future multi-event events where Deca does it only via editing. Biggest problem with doing it through edits is it requires a Mod/Leader to do it, also notifications won’t trigger for anyone watching the category/topic.


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