Add the next sentence to this story (Test phase)


But then, this person failed, and died on the spot.

I’m going to keep doing this, but please don’t mistake my intentions. I’m not doing this to troll, I am just genuinely curious as to what will happen if everything keeps getting thwarted.
Immediately, I’m expecting the story to go meta. Let’s see :smiley:


With XxBootySlayer69xX’s violent takeover and disastrous fall, the hopes of the kingdom’s subjects, like its throne, were crushed, leading to the rise of a small town hero from the lesser known village of Pridot, near the center of the kingdom but slightly off to the east, having in his possession a map to the location of a tremendously powerful talisman which would grant its wielder the power to always make the correct decision.


It was a talisman that the small-town hero desperately needed, as he was cursed so that every other decision he made was guaranteed to be incorrect.


He made a decision to go to a shady restaurant, which was actually disguised as a hero-training-facility. He tried to enter, then got deported from his town for breaking and entering.


Although he was deported from his own home town, this rising hero did not lose hope and was able to befriend an enchantress, named Stella, who was being deported from a neighboring village for creating sentient cheese wheels that ended up destroying her town mayor’s residence.


She brought with her cheese aplenty; but still it laid, still.


As the two of them wander around, they come across a gaping chasm.


In order to reach the other side, this rising hero and Stella had to make a decision:

cross along the sturdy, well-built bridge that lay in front of them, spanning the chasm


venture down the cliff face, cross the chasm floor, and climb back up the other side.


The rising hero walked across the sturdy bridge to find it was only an illusion and fell to his death; Stella saw this, shouted “SIMP” into the abyss, and promptly took her own life.


We are now at 5 on the death list and counting; how many more will perish in the first few sentences? .-. XD


Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds


After i am became death, i am destroy many world


But then deathly death killed death, and death died.


so then a baby was born with the name of billy. billy went to public school and was bullied because he had large ears.


Little did they know that billy’s ears were fake, he put them on because he liked being bullied; little billy had some problems…


Daddy problems, to be specific - he embarked on a quest to annihalate @NoxNovus; but at what cost?


There was no cost, for @NoxNovus was failure itself, and to annihilate failure meant annihilating success (for they are two sides of the same coin), and to annihilate success would be a paradox unto itself, for how can any one be successful if they were to annihilate success itself? all this, pondered the young lad, until his skin grew wrinkled and his eyes grew tired, and he was an elderly man, and yet still had not fathomed the secrets of the universe, until one fateful day, when lo and behold, he understood, and knew that the source of paradox was paradox itself, and in a glorious instant of revelation, exploded his own mind, and the material flowed into the sky, and the thoughts flowed into the stardust, and he was no more, claimed by the master beyond death, beyond deathly death, beyond the seven deaths of the deathly death, beyond infinitudes of death, beyond the beyond itself.

Prepare for stream of consciousness next


Kill count 7. I may need to put a limit on casualties next round :skull_and_crossbones:


I am become death


Is this the sequel to the Hitchhiker’s Guide To the Galaxy?