(Addiction) The Blurred Lines Between Life and Realm


When I was 14 (or year 9 for English people) I was addicted to realm. Its a hard thing to admit and sounds dumb, “Yeah im addicted, Its fun” but sadly it wasnt like thay for me it was a need. Id been told it by my parents and friends about my habit, holing myself up for days and days in my room without going outside but I chose to ignore it (its a game, im only playing because im bored I told myself) but it slowly crept over me. I stopped going out, rarely saw my mates and it ended in me hurting my best friend in a way I still cant quite forgive myself for. It had damaged me and my relationships with others. On holiday It sounds funny but I found myself watching pure footage of realm in a hotel for more hours than enjoying the country I was in! And I lt got worse and worse, but when it affected my Best mate it hit me how far id come and im happy to say with help I play once a week when I chose and when I want rather the game telling me to. Id like to set up this thread for the discussion of video game addiction in RoTMG and players stories about it :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you for reading! -Slonkers


Believe me love, you’re not alone on this one, I’ve had times where iv’e used this game as an escape and other times where I just play the game because I want to play it or I want to keep my guild happy.

the amount of Rotmg players that use the game as something to grasp onto is much higher then I have ever seen in any other game (ratio wise), probably due to the simplicity of it and not having all these quest to do you can just hop on and slay some gods.

very easy to get addicted to such simplicity.

Did somebody say landfish?


Very true! Id add to the list the risk reward factor which can create massive highs like a bracer and deep lows like dying on an 8/8. Especially if youre a competitive person.


I remember a poll on the forums about it which said that ~90% of players (including me) have been addicted to the game at some point (Are you addicted to rotmg [poll]?).
Right now I would also say that I have a rather unhealthy relationship to this forum.

Fortunatly the game gets less addicting once your chars start living longer


This game slowly ate my time more and more until I couldn’t settle for f2p and stole hundreds of dollars from various family credit/debit cards to play the game.

When I lost a member of my family, I played this game for a week straight.

Because of a hacker in this game (L*fYT) I suffered severe paranoia, insomnia, and even resorted to self-harm.

This game sucks you in and doesn’t let you go for a long, long time. Especially when you have spent money on the game.

RotMG addiction IS a real thing, and seeking habilitation is the best solution.


im probably one of the few who never was addicted


Ive never been addicted myself, but i do know alot of people who have been/ are addicted.


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