Adding invulnerable, and Instantly dying from ''Jon Bilgewater the Pirate King''


here’s a screenshot from the poll best high level dungeons:


Can you guys just please, PLEASE stop arguing about whether or not this death is OP’s fault?!? This is getting really out of hand, and if you guys don’t, I will ask a mod to close this thread because there is no discussion about what this thread was really made for (a way to fix Jon Bilgewater from instantly killing you whenever you enter the portal).


wow! yeah its the lowest by far

[quote=“Selimmm, post:111, topic:5669”]
I will ask a mod to close this thread

go ahead[quote=“Selimmm, post:111, topic:5669”]
(a way to fix Jon Bilgewater from instantly killing you whenever you enter the portal).

close enough


I’ll give them a second chance for some on topic discussion, if none comes, then I will.


there isnt really to discuss. OP said"[quote=“XMsWolf, post:1, topic:5669”]
I’d really appreciate it if they added invulnerable for 3 seconds or whatever because this isn’t fair

and everyone basically agreed b/c the dungeon is bad.[quote=“Selimmm, post:115, topic:5669”]
(they might not close anyways, soooo)

basically why i said go ahead


ok, I will check the condition of this thread tomorrow, then I will decide whether I should ask mod to close or not (they might not close anyways, soooo)


so any ideas for bilgewater?


i liked the idea about the invisible wall that keeps him away from the spawn point of the players


well mean, he can stand like 3 tiles away and players could still die to them…


the best comment on this thread


I had a kind of related situation where I clicked enter on the portal that goes to the Jon Bilgewater boss room, but I was stuck in the loading screen. I was confused why it was taking forever to load until I reloaded rotmg and realized that I died from the minions the instant I clicked on the portal. Rip 6/8 wiz


yea, the invisible wall needs to be farther than just 3 tiles.


note this invisible wall wont work


  • you can go in for protection, when low on hp
  • leecher’s haven
  • has to make it so you cant shoot out of this wall

ofc if u have a counter to this its fine, like some form of one way gate?


Yeah, we can just make another portal!

wait a minute…


um no, then the room will just be smaller.


Damn lol. I actually entered the ddocks right after u and for a split second i saw ur grave and then i died as well. 6/8 wizard


#Welcome to the forum @Spicelord
Enjoy your stay here, and have a :cookie:

also rip your wizard.


I don’t see why they wouldn’t just put the portal in an area where the boss cannot move to, and a walkway leading to the actual area where you fight him. Seems nonsensical that this kind of death can even happen.


Because then people stand in the hallway and whale on boss, and the boss can’t hit them, and then the dungeon is just a giant joke.


they should make it like in the ice cave, where you have a safe spot where you can’t hit the boss