Agent scepter or prism? opinions?


Opinions on which is better - only between these two because I’ve got most the other ones I wanted…

I know the scepter has long cd, but seems good for swap-out still… And the prism is a bit odd, but seems nice for the atk buff. Can’t decide…

  • Scepter
  • Prism

0 voters


Prism 100%. I would say that prism is top three abilities while scepter is unique with daze but the range and cooldown make it a lot worse.


The prism is pretty bad since Ghostly gives alot more dps, and dps is not the main thing trix is good for anyways, the scepter can be swapped out for to get that daze every once in a while, and daze is an insanely strong status that almost completely shuts down the threat of bosses.


The scepter is the epitome of a theorycrafted nonsense.

You can get a pretty nice dps boost with the prism with a good enough pet, but the invisibility proc is trash.

Definitely go with the prism.


Thats not true at all, how would ghostly do more dps? Teleport on a boss and sit on it? While yes trickster isn’t like warrior and ALL about dps it still is pretty strong. This prism gives you +15 att buff plus does not teleport, making it more easier to use for dps. The scepter dazes for 3 seconds and has a 20 second cooldown… Daze is fun and all but that cooldown destroys it completely.


Ghostly’s very hard to use on most enemies. On top of that, the prism is really good for launching a decoy (6 seconds is quite a nice decoy time) and the +15 ATK works wonders (and in fact, when using the +15 ATK with ripper + crown + garms on my trix, I’ve found myself to actually be outdamaging a warrior.

Trix is also the highest DPS dagger class, and those who like daggers and want DPS pick trix.

Once in a while is closer to once in a blue moon. It has a 20 second cool down and dazes for 3 seconds…

I do agree daze is powerful that shuts down the threat of many bosses. However… you must consider that in order for daze to be useful, the boss must be a threat. The daze ring that you summon with this scepter only fires out for 3.5 tiles.

You’re a sorcerer, not a melee who can afford to get that close. Would you really want the risk of going in just to daze the enemy for 3 seconds? I think the LH TRoom golem that opens the cult is the only place where this would even be marginally useful, and even then people usually daze it anyways with other stuff.

If we consider other items in the game that daze, they all give you some ability to hit a dangerous enemy. QoT can be fired towards enemies like Daichi, Thessal, O2, or Killer Bee Queen from a safe range, allowing you to get a ranged attack that weakens the enemy to other stuff (for Daichi and Thessal it makes the fight trivial, for O2 it’s close to trivial while giving knights a chance to stun, and for KBQ it makes the fight much easier)

For the Brain of the Golem, the main purpose in my opinion is to decoy enemies that like to chase you or follow you, such as Crusades, all Shatters enemies, etc. In that case, enemies will cluster around the decoy before it explodes and inflicts daze upon them that way. But with this scepter… its low range makes it really hard to use in any of these situations.

The scepter’s also just flat terrible as a scepter. It has a 4.5 tile range and mediocre damage. You’d mostly want this for enemies you can sit of to release the massive amount of DPS with the 24 * 200 shots… but you can’t really use that often enough imo to make it even worth it, especially since Devastation is so powerful.

I cannot think of a single place where I would want to use this scepter.

WARNING: Shameless YouTube plug ahead:
@Shatov I’ve made two videos showcasing these (shameless plug), go check them out if you want to see them both in action as well as some thoughts about them:


Thanks for the in depth discussion, and thanks to the others too for their thoughts. Lol also rip Mugafi or whatnot XD

I think I’ll go with the prism. Thanks again guys.


See everyone thinks it’s a mix of Robert Mugabe and Muammar al-Gaddafi
It’s actually spelled Moogaffy

Anyways sh*tpost aside, enjoy your prism, and glad I was able to help!


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