AKLDragon PPE Thread


yo give those to me, ive ended up using pixies for my lh chars.

fcking things are expensive


Harles are nice, but i havent gotten a prism yet…


Tp’ed into a skull shrine godwall and didn’t nexus fast enough


New warrior. Almost got whole necro set in 1 bag


Would’ve preferred the ring, but ok

first white, i also need that expo





Random reef, first white!



What the
2 millimeters to the left and instashotgun…


This is so sad - can we hit 1 more successful ppe?



Why the little number next to the max level potion, do they stack?


it is a stack number, but they dont, people have tried.


Huntress, did some wlabs so I’ve got pretty good starting equipment.




Was that the one where I said gl to you?


it worked

