AKLDragon PPE Thread






That’s no good :frowning:


'nother ninja


I swear, I want to die now.


why, cuz your ppe died?
If it helps, I wanted the prism
Oh wait my trickster died rushing oryx castle :man_facepalming:




dance phase -_-

Still technically 0/8 but pretty close


but you got tshot, thats all that matters…
I still haven’t got white from encore…


I am really unlucky with most UT prisms. Everyone complains about never getting harle, I’m bad with harle too. More than 200 pups and 2 harles and 0 prisms. 3 tshots and 0 prisms from encore. In davy’s I’ve actually gotten 2 of the prisms, and they made perfect switchouts for my tricksters. t6 for decoys (which I use a lot), ghostly for teleport and damage. It was about a 50-50 switchout


Still 0 whites


New trickster ppe
the “im level 13 and im getting better huntress equipment than my huntress did by 300 bf” (ddocks)


Well look who just got their 4th puri on a barely level 20 ppe.


2 minutes later
What is this luck


Well live fast and die young
Still that same gear
Thanks for the puri and st orb at 0 cost :slight_smile:


Also idk but I have a lot of sorcerer skins

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0 voters


slime sorc all the way


It gotta be the nevov look