All of the New Tops (T15 Armors, T14 Weapons, T7 Abilities!)



Robe of the Ancient Intellect
Leviathan Armor
Annihilation Armor

Staff of the Fundamental Core
Sword of Majesty
Dagger of Dire Hatred
Wand of Retribution
Bow of Deep Enchantment

Burning Retribution Spell
Helm of the Tribune
Quiver of the Autumn King
Cloak of Nightmares
Tome of Hallowed Language
Shield of Orcish Regalia
Seal of Invocation
Necrofish Poison
Depthchaser Trap
Mindwaster Skull
Prism of Reveries
Dimensiongate Orb
Scepter of the Firmament
Dynastic Star
Virtuous Wakizashi
Nebular Lute

I hadn’t noticed if anyone had went and gathered all of the new sprite artwork for the new items that were recently showcased on the Oryx 3 demo stream so I took it upon myself to go through and crop all of the sprites out of the stream. Keep in mind that these are cropped from a twitch stream so the quality isn’t that great, but at least this will give everyone an idea of what the new items look like!

I’m honestly so happy to see all of these items actually making their way into the game. I also love that some of the sprites stayed the same as their Wild Shadow-era original sprites while also some of the lackluster ones from back then got major improvements. Can’t wait to get my hands on some of these items!!

Anyway, let me know your thoughts and feelings down below on all of these items! Would love to hear what everyone has to say!


Other items were redesigned too! (Looking at the T6 and UT wakis in particular)


So, I’ve liked most of the sprites for a while, but I really hope they change the t14 leather. To me, it really looks like its t7ish, not t14.


I personally like the way the new t15 leather looks. If you look at the old leviathan armor, it really puts into perspective how much of an improvement the new version is:


I almost wish that Annihilation armor looked different than acrop. I’m kind of tired of just reskin acropolis armor. Ancient intellect looks really cool due to the white and blue color scheme despite basically just being a reskin gsorc.

That’s the one thing the leathers have over the other armors though. Glad we don’t just have a bunch of reskinned hydras. lol


The abilities look really crude, not sure if they meant that


It’s the low contrast colours, it makes them look really flat and washed out.


T7 Seal just looks like a ripoff gcookie


Fun fact:
If you look closely, Wyrmhide is a recolored hydra.
image image
The only real change is the shading in certain areas and the unification of the palette so that it’s dominated by one color rather than two. Otherwise, they’re basically the same.
The t15 leather armor should follow that pattern rather than be a recolored nil.


I think the hydra hide appearing to be a sort of hardened shell, because the colours don’t blend, and the wyrm seeming to have “chinks” makes them look so different that no one thought of that.


You have now officially ruined realm of the mad god for me. Thank you very much.

At the same time, with that said, I would agree that Leviathan should be a reskin hydra now that I actually see that wyrmhide is just a reskin of hydra (albiet an odd one).


idk they should do something similar to hydra but not a reskin
i like how hydra kind of looks like it has a shoulder bracing
i fiddled around for a bit and made this
though probably made mine a bit too purple lol!

EDIT: also they should change the trap and skull they’re such crap reskins .-. at least give the skull like dark hollow eyes that’d be so badass


So I took what you said and tried reskinning hydra to make a better leviathan armor sprite:


I personally think this looks better than the current one. It still has that hydra vibe but looks really epic.


the T15 robe looks to plain. I actually confused it for a t3 robe (despite the different patterns) becuase of it.


The seal needs something more, too similar to gcookie

Wonder how long the berserk duration is for the overdrive switch t7 orb


I think these are quite possibly the best new sprites that DECA has added. I am head over heels for the T7 abilities in particular. So true and respectful to the original design language (as indeed are their descriptions… more items like this would be legendary!)


Here’s what I (who sprited it) posted about that matter.
I’m not against changing it, but what exactly would you suggest?


The similarity is that the 4 pixels of the gcookie are simply connected by a square of pixels, so in this case it just needs a different symbol


I see. I’ll try to come up with something else then (I didn’t realize it from the positioning; I just reused the nova shape I had with the snowy night cloth)

Do you have any suggestions for patterns? (That’s kinda what I was initially asking for)


This armor looks sick. I like it a lot more than the official leviathan armor. I really hope they take a look at this.


Thats original sprites that been in game files for a long time.