Almost Impossible 1 Life Hunt


and then when he reveals the answer, turns out someone already said it


The answer…


Got me there…


didnt even need to click the link




wtf is my life


If this post get 5 LIKES i’ll give the answer!!!


Michael Jackson


also whats Ridiri Olaimhin? was he irish?



Asshole. Can’t even let the main man give out the answer…

I’m lonely, but no one can tell…




Mhm, but you did see I posted an update on April Fool’s? You didn’t think at all I’d finally reveal it soon? Well I guess what’s in the past is in the past. I’ve basically left this place…


…I mean, 4 months ago you said you’d release the answer, so…


I been following this for a while. Has anyone got it yet?



Hmm. So the Platters - The Great Pretender is the answer. That makes sense I guess, on account of how the copies The Puppet Master spawns say “I am only a pretender!”


Wait a minute. Is that Dr.Light???


lmao all this work just for 1 life pot.


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