Almost Impossible 1 Life Hunt


This is a wild guess here, but I remember a group of African Americans called the Carolina Chocolate Drops I think, is that right? I learned about it in music class last year.


Is it Jazz?


Ok after me being dead for a while Iā€™ll add some hints and a ā€œmajorā€ one.


the pup theatre? time to wiki the shit out of this then


Itā€™s not a very clear connection :wink:


my new guess is a black musical holiday since the harly is a ā€œfestiveā€ armor and itā€™s the most notable drop from the dungeon?




black musical THEATRE then?


Not. At. All.


damn it all.


deez nutz ahahaha gotee


SEARCH it all


Iā€™ma PM you to duo some Abbys so I can max ma necroā€¦


P A D E N is great in abbys :^)


Congrats you won!

ofc not


obvious sarcasm is obvious :^)


I won




iā€™m just gonna post my notes

3.putting on a show?
4.irony? (oryx puppet drops incs)


leslie odom jr?
or hamilton?
idk hamilton has rapping tho