Altey's RELM OF MADE DOG Comics


UNSB UTs next week?

Funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile


lol yeah


This. Is. Golden.


I liked it too :slight_smile:


Very much like a lot


This is beautiful. Please make more <3


This is old he didn’t
make it this was from the kabam era


@Araborz @Mordredhc It was made by Altey. But I can start my own original series like this one if you guys want :wink:


can you please put them in these things?

part 'x'

comic ‘x’ goes here

it was a huge pain scrolling to the bottom, so it’s going to be even worse if you plan on continually updating it.


how do you do the thing?



Lol. Please continue.


The problem is that I didn’t make it :joy:
But I can start my own original series similar to this. The only reason why I haven’t made one yet is because I use a MacBook Pro and It doesn’t have a painting software like windows computer does. So if you know of a good free painting software for a MacBook let me know? :stuck_out_tongue:

PS: I’m very good at drawing on the computer. Here’s something I made 7 months ago at school


I don’t know what you’re talking about… :smirk:




Prequel? Sheesh, we got much better stuff!




I wish I could kill cube god under level 20 ;-;