Ambrosia Box Experience


I recently bought the beginners pack and rolled about 12 times. I got 10 grapes, a Superburger and a cheeseburger. Imho that’s pretty crap. Not a single Ambrosia from the Ambrosia Box. Have you guys had better luck?


This makes me wonder if it would be possible to interpolate the drop rates by collecting the results of a lot of people.


The whole game is a scam


Honestly I’m alright with it considering it also got me 3 vaults and 2 chars (worth 5000g). Honestly DECA did a lot by making beginners pack available all the time.


If you had enough people honest enough to divulge what they REALLY got from the misery box, then I’m quite certain that could be achieved.


The whole concept of Rotmg’s gambling boxes continues to be the game’s most shameful aspect.


Personally, I found the Ambrosia I box to be actually decent. The Ambrosia II gives like grapes 90% time.


Honestly grapes isn’t that bad of a pet food, it would be something I’d feed to my divine. Heromax did an analysis on the kabam forums and concluded that it is generally cheaper to roll the ambrosia box than buy ambrosia packs in terms of FP per dollar; including increased feeding costs by having to feed more lower FP items (i.e. grapes and burgers) vs. higher FP (i.e. ambrosia) items.

Though that post was probably closer to 2014 so not sure if rates have changed since then.


Aw shit I bought II because I didn’t see I…


You could insure honesty by forcing them to record videos of their rolls. Im sure that if you got some famous people in the realm community to advertise for the cause, and create some sort of player event out of rolling mystery boxes, then you could. Only issue is that people may roll one at a time, and only send select rolls. This could be solved by getting people to either do multiple rolls (i.e. 10 rolls at once, although this might deter some people who dont wanna spend that much) or getting people to log how many rolls they will do before they roll. the video would also need some sort of timestamp on it, maybe the clock on the bottom right but that might be faked. maybe using an online clock? just a few thoughts. not sure how to incentivise people to do this, maybe out of the goodness of their heart (and peer pressure of community figures)


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