Ample pack


Make RotMG great again by bringing back the Ample pack


Mmmmm no…


I don’t see a discussion forming from here.


+1 I could use this


Deca posted this in the “giant wall of text” post. I agree with Console, there’s not gonna be much discussion here and if you want Deca to see this (they don’t check here), go on Reddit and spam ;).


Well you can talk ab-

How bou-

Yeah no, no discussion here


people could discuss the pros and cons of the ample pack


what cons? the simple fact that it costs irl money?


for example, one might see better ingame investions or such


o so just personal opinion on what they want to buy. got u


The fact that DECA make more money from people outright buying vaults/char slots or rolling the mystery box x times until they get one


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