An Aggressive Discussion [Where to Find ATT]


? sorry im bad at this

explain to the dumb…


Puppet Master’s Theatre is the best source of ATT, but they are rare. As such, choose a dungeon to focus on doing that has ATT as a secondary drop (either Sprite World or Abyss of Demons), or focus on Godlands.

Here’s the advantages of each.

In Godlands, several monsters there have a decent chance to drop ATT (and SPD and DEF). Constructs in particular swarm up because no one bothers breaking them. In addition, you’re in an area where you can see chat and teleport if rare dungeons, giving you a better chance to enter Puppets and get guaranteed ATT.

With dungeons that have ATT as a secondary stat, you can max several stats at once. Sprites are more easily done, and give DEX with a chance of DEF (ATT is gained from native Sprite Gods). Abysses are very common and are usually not hunted en masse, give VIT with a chance of DEF (ATT is gained from native White Demons), and have treasure rooms with VIT and DEF.

However you choose to find ATT directly, you can also trade excess potions of other types for ATT (which trades about 1:1 with DEF). I usually wait until I’m 4-5/8 (drinking any ATT I find as I max all of the other stats, except maybe WIS), and then trade for what ATT remains.

A note on Manor of the Immortals: Manors are nice, but they aren’t in Godlands (they’re in Highlands, where you find Snake Pits) and have a set number of appearances per realm, which are quickly exhausted as they’re found en-route to Godlands. So they’re not worth focusing on, especially with Puppets being a Godlands drop. Both Puppets and Manors have a guaranteed ATT drop, but Puppets have a decent chance to have more than 1. Manors are better focused on if you’re looking for pet food, since they have 6 different high feed drops. While you shouldn’t feed the Tome of Purification, the other UTs aren’t that powerful (St. Abraham’s Wand has a bit of utility with its extended range, but not much) and can safely be fed for 500-750 FP.

  1. find a weapon

  2. equip

  3. shoot at something

  4. congratz u atted


Because when u attack u be aggressive
And clearly no one has done a Puppet Masters Theater


I am swimming in ATT. I sometimes (not often) feel guilty selling 6 ATT for a life because I get so much of it.

Spend your time in Glands, kill every Construct Trio you come across not just the silver one as they all drop ATT, kill the flying brains do the manors. Forget puppet unless you can rush them because they take too much time.


Godlands, oryx, manor

I don’t do puppets very often, pretty time consuming one time I decided to solo one for the fun of it and got 0 from the chest


It’s not possible to get 0 from chest if you solo…


Moved to Question & Answer. Senior Regulars/Moderators, please correct me if needed.


thats the normal price?[quote=“ConsoleMC, post:15, topic:2957”]
Moved to Question & Answe

good move


I’m pretty sure attack is not a guaranteed drop


Attack is the guaranteed drop if you solo the puppet.


oh, I always thought test chests never had guaranteed soulbound


They do. At least, from my experience.

Test Chests should be renamed to Rigged Chests.


Awww :frowning:

First of all, make yourself a pet that’s not made of fail and AIDS. You need something with Heal and MHeal as its first two abilities (order doesn’t really matter) and you need to max at least the first ability before fusing, always. That’s going to be really useful when you have to rush a lot of Abysses or Puppets and your current pet just won’t cut it.

Then try to max Dex on both your Necro and your Warrior. That’s already a good DPS increase and you might snag a few more Atks/Defs/t5 abilities/UTs to feed while doing it.

At this point you have basically two solutions: either become consistent at rushing Puppets and run them like mad (doing Oryx/Janus is also a good idea whenever you can), or determine which of your two characters you have the least trouble farming godlands on and farm like there’s no tomorrow.

You can get them pretty often now, especially since very few people will bother to solo them and will generally call for help.

Also welcome back, wonder how long you’re going to last this time.


rip dreams


thats what I sell it for 6 ATT : 1 LIFE and generally it sells real quick.


@Brutishace Alright I need a door comment for “A Realmeye Christmas” and I see the perfect opportunity! Now you ask; What is the best way to get attack potions? I am here to answer that question. So there is quite a few sources for attack, here to name a few off the top of my head; Some events, Flying Brains/White Demons, Manors, Puppets, Shatters, O2.
Now for the most common way to get attack potions fast? I would do the following; The way I would recommend would be to find a closing realm, get into a dungeon so you wait and then can skip Oryx and end up in the new realm. Now sadly Manors are cleared out pretty quick usually, but since you are probs first in the new realm and on a warrior, you can quickly speed to highlands and find those manors. And plus Warrior is a good rusher/fast clearer, so you can quickly get to Ruthven and get the almost guarnteed attack potion drop. And since alot of Manors spawn, and plus you do them fast, you can gather attack quickly as long as you have Manor experience. I hope this helped and I am sorry it is super long lol.

A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]

A good way i try to farm attack is through sprite worlds, since theres always a ton of them and the sprite gods drop attack somewhat frequently in them for me its my favorite way of doing it. plus you get dex and def from the dungeon as well :slight_smile:

A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]

good picture :slight_smile:


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