An important Concept [soul bound/STs/misery boxes]


Whats next? all tiered loot become soul bound? It is already close impossible to get sts without excessive and the only way to get them realistically is grinding misery boxes. This looks like something ea has been doing for years with their loot boxes.HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM . Sadly we cant do anything about it since the game is “only 18+”.

Watch this its literally the cause of all this sheit:

Also read this :


I think this belongs in game discussion bc im talking about the game and not just outright complaing about it.


I mean, I got a majority of my STs from grinding, but you’re right. once they make the remaining old STs soulbound there’ll be no way to get them without grinding chest events or paying hefty sums for a chance at getting a piece, which is not in any way ok or acceptable (especially since STs are just UTs that give you bonuses when you equip them together).

And seeing as DECA is systematically making anything and everything soulbound, I’d say this isn’t a good sign for future content post unity port.


I have a question @moderators would this post be removed if I post it on reddit?


Most likely not, as people do that occasionally?


what are you talking about im confused (nvm)


I get removed posting on reddit.

also i’m not sure exactly what you’re saying.


If i posted this on reddit would it get removed?




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