Angus the mad god(Origin of the mad god)


Origin of the mad god
Enter the brother of the mad god:
There was once a force not known to man. His power leaves mystery, a power so great nevertheless that the entire cosmos trembles before it. This power is owned by a divine force, this force is known as Angus the mad god, and this powerful entity is Oryx’s brother, or better known as the brother of the mad god. Angus the mad god is an entity created by all the feelings of anger that exist. His power is so great its capable of shaking the entire cosmos. Angus the mad god harnesses the power of anger and uses it to control living things that have feelings of anger. He’s so powerful he can manifest the anger of every being that exist in the entire cosmos, essentially using the ability he has to control living things that feels anger, to his advantage, being able to use this power to increase his own power, enabling his to use that power as his own, utilizing it to boost his already tremendous strength. He boast immense power both physically, being able to lift entire planets, and non-physically, being able to utilize his divine powers to make himself a force to reckon with, powers in which are capable of destroying the entire cosmos, in which case, could be used to rule the entire cosmos. Similar to his older brother, Oryx was once created by the manifestation of all feelings of anger that exist. Oryx the mad god has similar powers to his older brother, although he can’t use them to the same extent, his powers are immense, boasting great strength, physically, being capable of lifting entire planets similar to his older brother, and boasting non-physically strength, the utilization of his divine powers, enabling him to become capable of destroying an entire cosmos. Angus taught his little brother how to use most of his powers, and with his older brother’s help, oryx, aside from his older brother, became the strongest being in the cosmos.

Realms of the mad gods:
Oryx the mad god is the conqueror of the realm, as you may already know, of course doing that, by utilizing his divine powers, using them in order to take over the entire realm. Oryx the mad god has thousands of minions that serve him and they also do his bidding. He also has agents that also serve him. These beings also known as agents of oryx. Oryx the mad god uses his divine powers in order to rule the entire realm, doing so with an iron fist. The realm was relatively easy to take over, for Oryx, as the strength of the population that strived there are weak, compared to oryx at least. However there are heroes, known as heroes of the realm, that try to defeat oryx and his minions, in an attempt to save the entire realm. They fight his minions over and over again, in order to get to Oryx in order to defeat him. These heroes are Oryx’s greatest adversaries, and give Oryx a great fight, being able to hold their against the Mad god, and managing to defeat him. These heroes have defended and saved the realm time and time again from Oryx, and have freed the realm countless times from Oryx’s rule. Now you’ve already heard of the earlier story of Oryx’s defeat and the realm, but have you heard of the Elder Realm? You see, this realm is much more advanced than the realm Oryx rules, the population in that realm being more powerful than in the ones in that of the realm Oryx rules, and yet successfully being taken over by Oryx’s older brother, Angus the mad god, who became the ruler of that realm, making Angus, conqueror of the Elder realms, and like his younger brother, oryx the mad god, with the realm his younger brother took over, Angus too ruled this realm with an iron fist. Oryx, one time, saw this realm, and saw how much more intense the Elder realm was, and saw how, Angus, had taken over this entire realm. Oryx was impressed, as Oryx himself knew, even with his own strength, he’d have a hard time taking over this realm, as even in his own realm he has a tough time ruling it due to the heroes, in that realm he ruled, constantly saving it so many times, and this, more advanced realm, being much tougher than the one he’s in. This Elder Realm holds the most powerful beings throughout the Realm. This realm, being much more dangerous than the one the heroes are use to saving, this realm, created from a name not known to man… Puffa… Something… hmm, the name leaves a mystery, but nevertheless, Angus ruling this realm with an iron fist, and oryx the mad god being impressed with this, only one thing is even more of a mystery… Will ours heroes be able to save this much more challenging, the much more advanced, Elder realm just as they did the realm they saved before, time and time again from Oryx the mad god? Or will they be defeated by the adversaries that lurk in the Elder realm? Well… Only god knows… The MAD God does!

Angus the mad god(brother of the mad god)

Oryx the mad god


Rename Angus to Addax (a genus in the same subfamily as Oryx) and this seems pretty cool.


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