Anime Discussion Thread


A mistake


omg frogboffin is back!

yeah… even my ecchi loving friend didn’t even bother to watch it


wat. A show about girls in bikini’s ass and tit fighting? And that’s about it as far as I can tell? How the hell does this have 7.33 on MAL?


Well obvously because its a show about girls in bikinis ass and tit fighting!

Also MALs rating doesn’t mean much, it seems like the average member thinks giving a 6-7 on a show is a low rating


yeah if you under 8 ish, the anime is trash.

Things with ranking of 8 is like top 250. things with ranking of 7 have is like top 3000~.


Hey @evil ,imm reply to you here, to not spam that one, and to revive this

so it says ive completed 170, some are just different seasons of the same anime. Some in watching, ive actually completed.

Favourite :

The manga favorites dont actually mean anything. The character list, i replace the bottom half… like every season…


so u sent me this cuz u wanted anime recommendations? i mean im not a weeb, but anime’s cool.

  • s̶w̶o̶r̶d̶ ̶a̶r̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶l̶i̶n̶e̶
  • your lie in april
  • relife
  • toradora
  • erased
  • orange
  • sound euphonium
  • angel beats
  • ao haru ride
  • blue exorcist
  • kimi no na wa
  • rezero

this is off the top of my head rn so yea, idk if any were said prior


no. i sent you this for you if u want to look at. /revive thread

haha, thanks i guess, all of them are in my list, ive watched at least 1 ep of all of them except kimi, and sound. Ill get around to them


kimi no na wa is kinda like a movie
its about 1 hr 40 mins if u wanna watch the whole thing, its amazing tho


oh. the new one. oh nvm. i watched it.

it was ok, the concept was used a few times before.


Death Note wasn’t that good aside from the part where he rips of his thumb :frowning:


SAO wasn’t that good either. I would recommened Steins Gate,Black Bullet, Code Geass, Black Lagoon, Akame ga Killa, Mob Physco, and Attack on Titans.


My Anime geek of a friend keeps nagging me to watch death note.

I know what it all is, but is it actually any good?


First season was pretty good (corresponds to the first 7 tomes of the manga I think), second one not so much.


basically what RMG said, i would watch it, but beware, it gets less and less interesting. Not going to say more.

ehh, meh, mainstream[quote=“CristionoR, post:123, topic:535”]
Attack on Titans.

too overrated, my friend read the manga and says it sucks.[quote=“CristionoR, post:123, topic:535”]
Black Bullet

eh… not that great[quote=“CristionoR, post:123, topic:535”]
Steins Gate

good but overrated[quote=“CristionoR, post:123, topic:535”]
Code Geass

pretty good[quote=“CristionoR, post:123, topic:535”]
Black Lagoon

i guess if you like action, and less plot


All anime sucks :3


so you’ve watched all like 10000+anime?


and think all of em are bad? :3



But seriously, the enjoyment value is still there with all of those shows.

Also a lot of people would argue that Steins Gate isn’t ‘overrated’ at all, and while I’m not one of those people, the overall opinion of it is very high from what I’ve seen.